Monday, July 25, 2011



  1. Howard Dean and people who care about the environment are First!

    Son*in*Maine is enroute to Alaska's North Slope...above the arctic circle for two weeks of field work with migratory birds. Please consider voting here against oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge:

  2. Follow son Shiloh's progress here:

    He'll be posting a couple of times while up there.
    They post via satellite, so have to keep it short!

  3. BTW, it's ironic that last week I posted today's photo of wildflowers because we spent the day traipsing around Vermont in search of farms that sell wildflowers, to use at the wedding.

    Good photos coming this week! :-)

  4. Cooler today. But very muggy. Rain is promised, and I hope they keep their promise as it's much needed.

  5. Can't get this page to relaod. We may have had rain while I was napping -- hard to say. If so, not much. Damn.

  6. Cooler today and rainy. Altogether, rather pleasant.

    Sis went to the doc today, who agreed that the trouble might be gall bladder. Ultrasound has been scheduled. Sis much relieved.

  7. FB is annoying. I posted a YouTube to one of my groups - The sole purpose for making the YouTube was so as to post it to this group - and it posted without the video thumbnail. GRR!

  8. I SO want a rainy day. A whole day. . .

    Hope it works for your sister, Cat.

  9. Lol! FB is annoying for any number of reasons: control freaks.

  10. Just listened to the President. Good speech. I was glad he mentioned that we had a surplus when Bush took office and much of it went to fund tax breaks for the wealthy. There has been a lot of water under the bridge since then. I wish we had more than two strong parties in this country because then it would be harder to have polar opposite fights. I'm tired of the fussing and positioning.

    Why does Rep. Boehner sound as loud as a commercial? He really is loud! And he sounds mean and hateful instead of measured as President Obama did. I'm sick of people wrangling when they could be working something out.

  11. Did I really hear Rep. Boehner say that it's simple, if you're spending more than you're taking in you need to spend less? Really? How much money does he think we make? How much food are we allowed to eat? I don't have A/C. Am I supposed to have no heat in winter too? Talk about having no clue what it's like to be an average American.

    I want my country back.

  12. Bill Thomasson7/25/2011 10:43:00 PM

    I am another who wishes we didn't have polar opposite fights. And even with just two parties, we didn't used to have them.

    I think one thing Boehmer doesn't get -- or doesn't want to get -- is that income is not fixed and predictable for either people or countries.

  13. with picture! :-)

  14. I'm having a hard time comprehending what alternate universe he's in.

  15. I'd better turn in. Worked my tail off today, but nothing I did was income-producing, and none of it really got finished either.

    Daughter was pretty hideous to me yesterday. She made it pretty clear that it's MY job to find a job, but she doesn't see why she should be expected to pitch in more around the house to make that process easier. It's HER job to focus on schoolwork (but not share any details about what she's working on), so that she can get on with her life, move out, and NOT be "broke".

    She's lacked a few luxuries, but she's never been deprived. We've worked hard to give her every advantage possible. I know she's a teenager, but that only goes so far. Her open disdain toward me is physically painful sometimes--as is her father's unwillingness to more explicitly call her on it.

  16. Republiland, where no one is poor or disabled or out of work, where everyone is rich and/or married to a lobbiest. Alternate universe is right.

  17. Sounds like she needs a major reality check.

    I'm so sorry, Renee. *hug*

  18. Son*in*Maine HATED spaghetti until he was on his own and discovered how cheap it was to make. Then he LOVED it!!

  19. No, see, that's just the problem. They don't think everyone is rich, but they just don't give a damn about anyone who isn't. We become invisible to them.

  20. I'm quilting like crazy...and have 120 pages left in an InterLibrary Loan book due back on Thursday. Heh.

  21. Plus we're newly in charge of the wedding flowers...but I LOVE that!!!

  22. I don't suppose it's possible to quilt and read at the same time?

  23. LOL! Only if somebody reads aloud to you! :-)
