Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chemo today...

It's a rough week for Ally. This photo was taken on Saturday at the Family Reunion. ♡


  1. I'm sure Howard wouldn't mind sharing firstliness with Ally.

  2. Really pretty day going on here. Coolish, not humid, green. Now if I could just stop longing for rain. . . .

    Beau spotted a young doe across the river and set up a howl. Doe didn't care, and I distracted him with a chicken leg.

  3. My thoughts and prayers are with Ally and her family.

  4. They're so easily distracted. 8)

  5. Hi all. I'm reconfiguring my kitchen today at the request of Son #2. I have *way too much stuff* in there! And wasted *way too much* food. Hopefully the reconfiguring will take care of both issues. If I survive it, that is.

  6. Thinking of Ally. I thought she was out of the woods, damn it.

    Hello here to all my HEP friends.

  7. Hi tc, nice to see you here!! ♥!!

  8. Can be done. . . . I just got rid of *three* roasters, lol!

  9. Happened to be at the church office in time for noon prayers. Included Ally in the prayers of the people.

  10. Humidity's been so low today, the heat index has been *lower* than the temperature, lol! It was 23% the last time I looked. Blessed.

  11. Really cooling now. And I've been without AC for nearly twenty four hours! (Meaning, I haven't turned it on for that long.) The national debt chit is very much getting on my nerves. And everyone else's it seems.

  12. Thank-you so much, Renee. ♡

  13. Remember to let us know if you survive it,
    lest we become concerned and send Sheriff Chuck on a field trip!

  14. In the small but irritating problems department, I spilled chocolate ice cream on my favorite light blue pants. Hope Sis is right that she'll be able to get them clean.

  15. tc...well, technically speaking Ally *is* out of the woods. Her last 4 or 5 scans have been clear! As I understand it, the chemo is supposed to help get her HAMA count to the level where she can again take the 3f8 treatments in NYC. She is only on the protocol for 3f8 treatments until next February, so they want her to get all the chances she can before then. Since her form of cancer is extremely virulent, they are doing every thing that is remotely possible. After February, everyone will kind of be holding their breath when she goes for scans. I know you know what I mean. ♡

  16. You know that I know what those prayers mean and I am extremely grateful for your thoughtfulness, Renee! It comforts me so much. ♡

  17. I did survive after working from 10 a.m. to almost 10 p.m. with a break for lunch at 1 p.m. Boy, when you take stuff out of the stashed places and spread 'em out it's pretty horrifying! More motivation to get rid of some of it. My garbage haulers are going to hate me on Monday though. Had lots of expired foods .... too many "stashing" places. Found one item that expired 6 years ago. Now that's just pitiful.

  18. Renee, I've got fingers crossed, toes crossed and prayers crossed too. +

    May you soon be sweetly employed.

    And while I'm on my knees anyway, I'm going to slip one in for D. ;-)

  19. Last night I talked to my friend Margie, who just turned ninety-one. She was saying how much of an idiot Beoner(sp?) is and that the Pres. has done all he can. She observed that he is a good man. When I said listening to him always makes me feel safe, that the country is in good hands, she agreed that she feels the same way. Margie doesn't have a lot of book learning, but she does pocess a considerable amount of solid commonsense. And I think it says a lot about Mr. Obama that he can inspire trust and confidence in a lady who is old enough to be his grandmother.

  20. BTW, son's Root Center got permission yesterday to put up a dome in the center of their huge round garden site at National Gardening Association HQ. So today a bunch of us gathered and did just that!

    Here's a link to my photos of the day. Enjoy!

  21. Susan, I know it's not funny, but...six years ago? YOW!

  22. And here's a one minute YouTube video of the three hour Dome build!

    (I'm wearing jeans, a pale green tee shirt and a cap. At one point I'm just right of middle a lot, holding up a board.) I love the second where it shows the Dome go upward quickly. Amazing day.

  23. Note: You might not see me until about the 20 second mark and I'm in the middle around the 35 second mark. Ha!

    When you don't see me, I was busy weeding beds of cabbages and chamomile!

  24. Wow! Great progress!

  25. All of the above. ♥

  26. Did y'all see this report on 60 Minutes about restoring the marshlands that Sadaam Husain destroyed? The restoration isn't perfect, but it's a miracle all the same.;cbsCarousel

  27. Bill Thomasson7/27/2011 10:25:00 PM

    Good luck on the job front!

  28. Well, yeah, actually it is kind of funny.

  29. Bill Thomasson7/27/2011 10:31:00 PM

    Went to get my new glasses actually prescribed today. Dressed for hot weather, since Yahoo! said the high today would be 92. Maybe it was, but it wasn't until I wasn't until I was on my way home that the temps got above "too cool for shorts."

    Looks like I'll have my new glasses before I leave for Reno. I won't mention the price. And for those who suggested Medicare might consider these "durable medical equipment" -- nope. The center has asked, and there's no joy.

  30. You've just raised my self esteem. LOL!

    I usually flush the really bad stuff, and rinse the worst offenders. (Can you tell I'm experienced?)

  31. I'll race you, Bill. I think my new eyeglasses will arrive by the end of next week.

    If I tell you that the cost of the exam, lenses and frames together came to $575, does it make you moan? (I'm not getting sunglasses too. My old ones will have to suffice for now.)

    I'm sure something so specialised as yours are come to an incredibly pretty penny.

    If it's any comfort, I have no insurance for this either. But if you want to see you gotta pay the pricey piper.

  32. Well said, Cat. I think he is a very capable and intelligent person with a good heart. He is simply in office with some of the most greedy and stone hearted people in history. I don't envy him his job. I do wish he had the backbone of Howard Dean, though.

  33. Cold water first! And use the laundry product "Shout!" It'll come out.

  34. I live to serve as a bad example.


  35. I live to serve as a bad example.


  36. Bill Thomasson7/27/2011 11:39:00 PM

    Don't have time to actually watch the video, but that 's good news. Thanks for passing it along.

  37. Bill Thomasson7/27/2011 11:42:00 PM

    A bit of a gulp at *ordinary* eyeglasses costing that much. You won't be surprised that mine cost as near twice as much as makes no never mind.

    And yes, if you want to see, you have to pay.

  38. I'm not buyin' it! You're an angel! O:-)

  39. Not surprised, Bill, but chagrined nonetheless!
