Saturday, December 08, 2007

Open Thread (Lunch Hour Edition)

So I thought I'd post this image that Demetrius just created of a Guacamole, Lettuce, Bacon and Tomato sandwich.

GLBT Sandwich


I just thought it was too clever not to share. But maybe I'm biased. ;)

Haloscan comment thread

I definitely want it

Just realized that John Lennon was killed 27 years ago today. At the time, by the way, I had no clue who he was. It was many years later before I realized what we lost that day. Anyway, I thought I'd post this video...

And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so happy Christmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones
The old and the young

A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now

I want it. I know we all do.

Haloscan comment thread

Friday, December 07, 2007

Open Thread

Hoping for some down time tomorrow, so thought I'd post a new thread before turning in.

New shared items here.

Haloscan comment thread

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Greetings from listener, who took this New Snow on the Fence photo and received the following notice from her town clerk this week:

We have 8 pairs of snowshoes that are available to be rented and returned during regular Town Clerk office hours.

Snowshoes may be rented by town residents for up to three days at a time. Please return them before 11 am on the date they are due so that people waiting to rent them only need to make one trip to pick them up.

There is a $20 deposit for each adult pair and $10 for each child pair. The deposit is returned to the renter when snowshoes are returned in the same condition they were rented.
Happy White Advent! ~ listener

Haloscan comment thread

Happy St. Nicholas Day

Click here for the Wikipedia article about St. Nicholas. (Ever try stir-fried wikipedia?)

Haloscan comment thread

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Why do you blog?

Yesterday's Question of the Day at My Left Wing asked the question, "Why do you blog?" Since I'm still busy working on grades, I thought I'd "borrow" that idea for a post here.

My response in that thread:

Wow-- deep questions, seriously. And one I've been trying to think about. I was reminded of that fact when I saw a fellow parishioner at church the other day. He's on the adult education committee and had approached me a while ago about taking part in a session about the internet and blogging.

We were in a religious education group together last year, and he recognized my writing from diaries at Big Orange. I blogged a lot more back then. I still feel like I need to keep blogging now, but don't have much sense of purpose or direction at the moment. Anyway, I was relieved that he didn't come over to me to talk about this issue on Sunday, because I'm still working on it.

Anyway, one of my answers with regard to why I blog, is that it allows me to occasionally have in depth conversations that could never happen in "real time". Face to face or (bleah) on the phone, the pace is too fast for me. But it's possible to have "deeper" conversations on blogs...and eventually bring those insights into real time conversations.

P.S. Go vote for Mr. Splashy Pants. ;)

Haloscan comment thread

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Unwatched DVDs

I gave a couple of final exams yesterday, and have one more plus some make-up exams to give on Thursday. Right now I have some grading to do, but, for the first time in weeks, we have our living room back. Daughter was sleeping on the couch while she had a cast on her leg, so that she wouldn't have to go up and down the stairs to her bedroom. The cast finally came off yesterday (and there was much rejoicing).

So now I'm looking at the DVDs I recently checked out from the library, thinking I really should watch one of them before they need to go back to the library. I can't even begin to count how many DVDs or videos I have checked out, only to return them, unwatched, to the library. I just, um, treat them to a little car ride. Inanimate objects enjoy that, right? ;) Or wait--maybe the service I'm offering them is sort of like a retreat. Some quiet time during which they will not be subjected to any new scratches or additional wear and tear.

Anyway, right now I've got "Outfoxed" and "Shut up and sing". Both are things I'd kind of like to see. But my husband doesn't like to watch anything that might make him even more angry at the right wing than he already is. And I'm not much for sitting down and watching a DVD by myself.

As the day wore on, I started watching a documentary called The World According to Sesame Street

Sesame Street” originator Joan Ganz Cooney explains the show like this: “Our producers are like old-fashioned’s not religion they’re spreading, but it is learning and tolerance and love and mutual respect, and in a way, you have to say it must be the most wonderful job in the world.”
It really is fascinating, and probably less likely to make me cranky than the other two options. (Which I may eventually watch as well.)

Here's a link about the documentary.

I should probably go grade a few more exams now.

Haloscan comment thread

Monday, December 03, 2007

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Open Thread (with birds)

listener passed along some pictures of the pine grosbeak, along with some comments. You'll have to take my word that I really don't have the focus today to piece together a post involving someone else's words and pictures. But here are a couple of the photos she sent--maybe she'll have something to say about them in the comments.

Haloscan comment thread