Beauregard Houdini Einstein died about at two this morning. He’s now reposing in the kitchen in front of the freezer. He was fine all day, peppy, barky, Came in about six, had dinner: kibble with chicken soup on top. About two hours later he seemed to start dragging. By midnight, it was clear he was feeling crummy. He’d lie down, listless for long periods, get up and move, then repeat. I asked him if he wanted to go out no he didn’t. I put a little bit of cottage cheese in his bowl, he came over and looked at it, turned around and fell down, legs stiff, very much like a fit, which passed. He lay there for a while and I comforted him, he got up and walked to in front of the fridge, and one more time to in front of the freezer. I was getting up about every five minutes to go stroke, pet, talk softly with him, which he seemed to like, and then the last time, I couldn’t see him breathing any more. I think maybe a series of strokes. Dog his size has a eight year life expectancy, he died just six weeks short of ten.
Dear Lord, I’m going to miss him.
Called Cooter a bit after seven, he’s coming to bury him in our family plot across the river from here. Blessed child.