Saturday, February 03, 2007

"What I Wanna Know..."

Crossposted at My Left Wing, Booman Tribune, ePluribus Media, and Daily Kos

I just found a diary floridagal linked a while ago, which includes a link to Howard Dean's famous "What I wanna know..." speech. Here's the direct link to download the Quicktime movie.

From the diary...

"Howard Dean speaks at the California Democratic Convention in Sacramento, CA on March 15, 2003. This speech was videotaped and edited by Eric Predoehl with the help of an anonymous camera operator.
March 15, 2003. Just over four years ago. At the time, I hadn't even heard of Howard Dean, and would only gradually learn enough to become excited about his campaign over the next couple months. The Sleepless Summer tour was still months away.

I'm posting this for two reasons. First, it's always good to have an opporutunity to hear Howard Dean speaking those words so many of us were longing to hear from our elected leaders. But secondly, it puts into perspective just how far away the primaries for the 2008 presidential election are at this point. Anything can happen between now and then. Maybe Al Gore will decide to throw his hat in the ring after all. Or maybe someone previously unknown, or not well known, will surface and capture our imagination.

It really is too soon to tell what the political landscape will look like as we approach primary season. I know that, with 24 hour news channels, the media outlets feel compelled to try to build up the whole "horse race" of it. But I can choose not to let them define my reality.

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Saturday Schadenfreude

Forgive me if I enjoy this just a little bit too much...

On Tuesday, President Bush popped in for a surprise visit to the Sterling Family Restaurant, a homey diner in Peoria, Ill. It’s a scene that has been played out many times before by this White House and others: a president mingling among regular Americans, who, no matter what they might think of his policies, are usually humbled and shocked to see the leader of the free world standing 10 feet in front of them.

But on Tuesday, the surprise was on Bush. In town to deliver remarks on the economy, the president walked into the diner, where he was greeted with what can only be described as a sedate reception. No one rushed to shake his hand. There were no audible gasps or yelps of excitement that usually accompany visits like this. Last summer, a woman nearly fainted when Bush made an unscheduled visit for some donut holes at the legendary Lou Mitchell’s Restaurant in Chicago. In Peoria this week, many patrons found their pancakes more interesting. Except for the click of news cameras and the clang of a dish from the kitchen, the quiet was deafening.

“Sorry to interrupt you,” Bush said to a group of women, who were sitting in a booth with their young kids. “How’s the service?” As Bush signed a few autographs and shook hands, a man sitting at the counter lit a cigarette and asked for more coffee. Another woman, eyeing Bush and his entourage, sighed heavily and went back to her paper. She was reading the obituaries. “Sorry to interrupt your breakfast,” a White House aide told her. “No problem,” she huffed, in a not-so-friendly way. “Life goes on, I guess.”

But, uh, don't let it happen again, okay George? (Click here for the rest of the article.)

And click here for the latest update from Kimmy.

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Subway is famous!

The Brooklyn Paper / Craig Dilger

From the comments


I made the front page of the local paper. The story is about a renovation of the station I was playing, but it's a pretty good pic.

Subway Serenade

P.S. Don't forget Subway has a "virtual guitar case" on his web site.

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DNC Winter Meeting

As I've been doing my after work scan of the news stories of the day, I was reminded that the DNC 2007 Winter Meeting is under way. Click here to see the photos at And click here for posts and stories about the winter meeting.

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Another reason to keep the media accountable

From a diary I just linked in the comments. I'm running late, but this has to be said. Tyra Banks was subjected to headlines calling her things like "America's Next Top Waddle" due to pictures taken of her swimsuit while vacationing in Australia. Having retired from modeling, she is now 5'10 and 161 pounds. Nobody with those proportions could be described as "waddling", unless she was in actuality a giant duck. She responded, in part:

Luckily, I'm strong enough and I have a good enough support system," Banks, 33, says. "I love my Mama, and she has helped me to be a strong woman so I can overcome these kinds of attacks, but if I had a lower self-esteem, I would probably be starving myself right now. That's exactly what is happening to other women all over this country."
How many people (in the general populace) never heard that the Terri Shiavo, the right wing icon of the "right to life" last year, was in that coma as a result of her bulimia?

We can't just let it slide when the media does this. I know I do try to tune it out because there's only so much ugliness one can take. But we have to call media outlets whenever they use that kind of hate speech based on people's physical appearance. We have to do this for our daughters.

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Happy Groundhog Day

This is a picture of "Buckeye Chuck" courtesy of the web site of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

He's Ohio's "official" groundhog. See Groundhog Central here, for a list of more groundhogs of renown--the most famous being "Punxatawney Phil".

More about Buckeye Chuck at Ohio History Central:

From late September until early April, Buckeye Chuck spends his time hibernating. On February 2, against his will, Chuck emerges from his sleep to predict the weather.
Dang. Poor Chuck. I hate it when I have to emerge from my sleep against my will, so I kinda feel for him, you know?

In fact, I need to do that in the morning to go to work, so I'm signing off for now. Have a great day, everyone.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Lonely Activists

Click the image above to see a larger version

We activists certainly lost a great mentor with the passing of Molly Ivins. Her syndicated column was a breath of fresh air in our local Rockford IL paper. As I stood on a street corner with my peace signs, I knew that Molly appreciated my efforts. We never draw anyone famous to our rallies, just teachers, farmers, mothers and librarians.

Thank you Molly for knowing our efforts were worthwhile. We will carry on for you in IL, VT, OH, WA, NH, and the rest of the small places around America.

Remembering Molly Ivins
John Nichols Washington Correspondent, The Nation

Molly Ivins always said she wanted to write a book about the lonely experience of East Texas civil rights campaigners to be titled No One Famous Ever Came. While the television screens and newspapers told the stories of the marches, the legal battles and the victories of campaigns against segregation in Alabama and Mississippi, Ivins recalled, the foes of Jim Crow laws in the region where she came of age in the 1950s and '60s often labored in obscurity without any hope that they would be joined on the picket lines by Nobel Peace Prize winners, folk singers, Hollywood stars or senators.

And Ivins loved those righteous strugglers all the more for their willingness to carry on.

The warmest-hearted populist ever to pick up a pen with the purpose of calling the rabble to the battlements, Ivins understood that change came only when some citizen in some off-the-map town passed a petition, called a Congressman or cast an angry vote to throw the bums out. -------

Her readers cheered that November 9, 2006, column, as they did everything Molly wrote. And the cheers came loudest from those distant corners of Kansas and Mississippi where, often, her words were the only dissents that appeared in the local papers during the long period of diminished discourse following 9/11. For the liberal faithful in Boise and Biloxi and Beaumont, she was a lifeline--

For the people in the places where no one famous ever came, Molly Ivins arrived a couple of times a week in the form of columns that told the local rabble-rousers that they were the true patriots, that they damn well better keep pitching fits about the war and the Patriot Act and economic inequality, and that they should never apologize for defending "those highest and best American ideas" contained in the Bill of Rights---

She also told them, even when she was battling cancer and Karl Rove, that they should relish the lucky break of their consciences and their conflicts. Speaking truth to power is the best job in any democracy, she explained. It took her to towns across this great yet battered land to say: "So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin' ass and celebratin/ the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was."
P.S. from Renee: Thanks to floridagal for pointing us to Howard Dean's remarks about Molly Ivins (I looked myself, but hadn't been able to find them). And be sure to see Charlie's comment here.

Also, this post at Firedoglake has links to all the posts they have done on "Traitorgate" (the Valerie Plame leak).

And puddle has a Tanner update on her blog.

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"Whitey Gras"

From last night's Daily Show. Larry Wilmore, the "Daily Show Senior Black Historian", offers some thoughts on Black History Month.

Larry Wilmore: Okay, first of all Jon, relax. It's not Black History Month yet. We all have, oh, about 45 minutes to blow off some steam before we bow our heads in solemn reverence for Harriet Tubman and the Tuskegee Airmen.

Jon Stewart: Larry, I don't think you should undersell the contributions of the Underground Road and Black pilots in World War II--I think it's obviously worth taking time to commemorate these achievements.

Larry Wilmore: Don't let me stop you.

Jon Stewart: Larry, I feel stupid. Don't you feel that Black History Month serves a purpose?

Larry Wilmore: Yes...the purpose of making up for centuries of oppression with 28 days of trivia. You know, I'd rather we got casinos.

Jon Stewart: Larry, perhaps I'm not in a great position here, but I don't think it's trivia. I think it's important.

Larry Wilmore: Okay, name the important stuff.

Jon Stewart: Well, like you were saying... Harriet Tubman. And the...Tuskegee Airmen.

Larry Willmore: Okay....

Jon Stewart: ...and the...fellow who invented the peanut. And the heart...operation man.

Larry Wilmore: Right, okay. Now we're at February 5. By the 8th we'll be down to the Wayans brothers. And not even the famous ones--Zeppo!

Jon Stewart: Larry, what are you suggesting that we do?

Larry Wilmore: Let's be honest. Black History Month is a drag, okay? White people have to pretend to care about Black people, Black people have to pretend to care about history. It's a lose-lose, okay? I'm suggesting the real celebration should be tonight--Black History Month Eve. We've got 43 more minutes, so all the party people need to get on the dance floor!

Jon Stewart: What are you talking about?!
Larry Willmore: Jon, let's do what the Catholics do with Lent. Before it starts, we'll throw a huge party with a bunch of parades! I don't know, we'll call it--"Whitey Gras".

Jon Stewart: What would people do at this "Whitey Gras"?

Larry Willmore: Well, hopefully, show us their t*ts! And not the National Geographic type--believe me, we'll get our fill of that next month!
Hopefully no one finds this terribly offensive. It's just that it made *me* laugh out loud, and maybe some others who don't have cable or can't view videos will enjoy it too. There's been a lot of sadness and anxiety lately, and it felt really good to laugh.

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Troop surge to be double what Bush claimed

Just saw this story on AmericaBlog:

BREAKING: Bush "surge" likely sending DOUBLE the number of troops to Iraq - 35,000 to 48,000 - NOT 21,000

That post references this entry on

President Bush and his new military chiefs have been saying for nearly a month that they would "surge" an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq, in a last, grand push to quell the violence in Baghdad and in Anbar Province. But a new study by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says the real troop increase could be as high as 48,000 -- more than double the number the President initially said.
Can we *please* impeach him now?

We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders....Molly Ivins

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Blogger trouble

Demetrius tried to access this blog this morning and got an error message. I tried opening the page from my phone and got the same thing. Tried checking two of my other blogs, and they wouldn't open either. I checked out the Blogger Help group and the problem seems to be affecting a *lot* of blogs, but not all of them. Here's one message that jives with what I got:

The message is "We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request" and a code: bx-vjhbsj.

Just FYI to anyone else having trouble with a Blogger account. I'll update if I learn anything else.

If anyone knows the e-mail address for Blogger help, please share it. It seems to be a well-kept secret.

By the way, I was able to view my blogs again by going into the template and clicking "save changes". Once I discovered that my blogs weren't showing up if you tried to view them, but did show up if I logged into my dashboard, I figured I should save me template code to a text file offline "just in case". Anyway, after I clicked "save changes" (even though I had not actually *made* any changes) I was able to get this blog to work. Tried the same thing with my other blogs, but still got the error message. After refreshing a couple times, those blogs showed up again as well.

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Thought these would be some good lyrics to share in a late night open thread. From the Dixie Chicks album "Taking the Long Way"

Sunday morning, I heard the preacher say
Thou shall not kill
I don't wanna, hear nothin' else, about killin'
And that it's God's will
Cuz our children are watching us
They put their trust in us
They're gonna be like us
So let's learn from our history
And do it differently

I hope
For more love, more joy and laughter
I hope
We'll have more than we'll ever need
I hope
We'll have more happy ever afters
I hope
We can all live more fearlessly
And we can lose all the pain and misery
I hope, I hope
For anyone looking for updates, Kimmy checked in again here.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

In honor of Molly Ivins

Photo we took of Molly when she spoke at DeanFest in 2005

I was saddened to learn that Molly Ivins died today. I'm sure that much will be written in tribute to her, but the best thing I can think to do right now is to post her recent words about Bush's proposed escalation in Iraq. May we all continue to fight the good fight in Molly's honor.
A surge is not acceptable to the people in this country -- we have voted overwhelmingly against this war in polls (about 80 percent of the public is against escalation, and a recent Military Times poll shows only 38 percent of active military want more troops sent) and at the polls. We know this is wrong. The people understand, the people have the right to make this decision, and the people have the obligation to make sure our will is implemented.

Congress must work for the people in the resolution of this fiasco. Ted Kennedy's proposal to control the money and tighten oversight is a welcome first step. And if Republicans want to continue to rubber-stamp this administration's idiotic "plans" and go against the will of the people, they should be thrown out as soon as possible, to join their recent colleagues.
We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war. Raise hell. Think of something to make the ridiculous look ridiculous. Make our troops know we're for them and trying to get them out of there. Hit the streets to protest Bush's proposed surge. If you can, go to the peace march in Washington on January 27. We need people in the streets, banging pots and pans and demanding, "Stop it, now!"
Click here for the rest.

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Wednesday evening links

I'm starting a new fulltime project next week, but I had a half day of training today and will have a full day on Friday. Anyway, I haven't had time to read and fully digest the stories of the day, but will post some of the links that stood out to me. Feel free to post links of your own in the comments, or to post excerpts from the articles I link if there's something you think merits extra attention.

Big Brother is Watching You. Yes, YOU.

B-B-B-Bye-den Apparently he's been committing some verbal gaffes. But we should give him the benefit of the doubt, right? Since he's so quick to come to Howard Dean's defense when need be. Oh wait...

No, that was not an important story to link to. Pure schadenfreude. Sorry. I'll be sure to add some more useful/worthwhile links to counterbalance that.

Update: Working my way around the tubes, I see that this has actually gotten quite a bit of attention, and Obama has responded. So I'm posting Biden's actual remark and Barack Obama's response:

Joe Biden (D-MBNA)

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

Barack Obama (via Digby)
I didn't take Senator Biden's comments personally, but obviously they are historically inaccurate. After all, we've had presidential candidates like Jesse jackson, Shirley Chisholm, Carol Mosely Braun and Al Sharpton. They gave a voice to many important issues through their campaigns and no one would call them inarticulate.

Once again, if you want updates on the Scooter Libby trial, you'll want to check out today's posts at Firedoglake.

From Rep. Louise Slaughter: Slaughter Condemns Military Equipment Shortages as Waste Persists

Via AmericaBlog: Senate agrees to minimum wage increase, Republicans force even more tax cuts for business

Here's a Kos diary by John Conyers: Congress Is No Longer Silent
Today marks the first hearing I will conduct in the Judiciary Committee since taking over as Chairman and this feels like a momentous occasion.

Our country has been run, far too long, by an Administration that seeks to rule in secrecy. The Bush White House has ignored our founding fathers’ separation of powers, claiming an ever increasing scope of authority in direct conflict with the constitution.

For the past six years Congress has been silent, watching idly as its powers are usurped.

No longer.

Click here for the rest.

Here's a Kos diary that says Clark is running. Doesn't seem official yet, but apparently it will be official on Friday.

Via Booman Tribune: Feingold's Iraq Redeployment Act of 2007

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Kimmy update

Last night got a new message from Kimmy via MySpace. She has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes (which I think she told us in the comments earlier). She's supposed to go in to see the doctor again tomorrow, and she hopes they induce labor at that time. Because of the baby's size, it may be a c-section. (Kimmy notes that the idea of a big baby doesn't phase her, since Mina was 10 pounds.

Light a candle for Kimmy here, if you wish.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Olbermann on Bush's SOTU claims of thwarting terrorism

Keith Olbermann did another special comment on tonight's Countdown--this one on the counter-terror claims Bush made in his State of the Union speech

I am indebted to David Swanson, press secretary for Dennis Kucinich’s 2004 presidential campaign, who has blogged about the dubious 96 words in Mr. Bush’s address this year and who has concluded that of the four counter-terror claims the president made, he went 0-for-4.
Click here for more. Update: Crooks and Liars has the video (Thanks for the link, jc.)

Different topic, but worth front-paging. Sadly, Molly Ivins seems to be losing her fight with cancer. Light a candle for her here. And read her excellent Stand up against the surge piece here.

Photo we took of Molly when she spoke at DeanFest in 2005

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Just *too* easy...

From the department of, "Sometimes, they make it *too* easy...", Alan brings us this from Political Wire:

President Bush's critics couldn't have planned it better themselves. According to Washington Wire, the White House has a new executive pastry chef, Bill Yosses, who also happens to be the author of Desserts for Dummies.

Desserts for Dummies

Obligatory jab--I imagine a book about preparing desserts for dummies would include some certain cautions, such as, "When making a fruit salad, be sure to cut grapes in quarters so as to avoid a choking hazard."

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King George is at it again

From a story in today's New York Times

President Bush has signed a directive that gives the White House much greater control over the rules and policy statements that the government develops to protect public health, safety, the environment, civil rights and privacy.

In an executive order published last week in the Federal Register, Mr. Bush said that each agency must have a regulatory policy office run by a political appointee, to supervise the development of rules and documents providing guidance to regulated industries. The White House will thus have a gatekeeper in each agency to analyze the costs and the benefits of new rules and to make sure the agencies carry out the president’s priorities.
Check out Digby for some commentary on this story.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Barbaro captured our hearts

SEPTEMBER 19, 2006

Jockey Edgar Prado visits with Barbaro with Dr. Dean Richardson. Photos by Kathy Freeborn.

Upon hearing the sad news that Barbaro had been euthanized, I remembered an article I'd read a while back about why his story captivated people the way it did. I'm going to try to find that specific article, but in the meantime, I'll share this column from the Seattle Post Intelligencer:

Why all the fuss about Barbaro? He was only a horse. Or was he?

Barbaro became a beloved pet for millions of us, and we loved him as if he were part of the family. We cheered when he passed another milestone in his recovery and agonized over his setbacks. Now that he's gone, we're left with a sadness we didn't expect and can't really explain.

Click here for the rest.

Here's an article from Slate:
Remembering Barbaro How America fell in love with a horse.

Light a candle in memory of Barbaro.

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Monday again already?

Ari Fleischer is scheduled to testify today. Check in at Firedoglake for the play-by-play.

jc has some new Al Gore designs. (Demetrius, as I mentioned earlier, has put up a lot of new designs lately, not many of them being political.)

Finally, via AmericaBlog, I just learned about a new web site called The Real McCain.

It isn't pretty. Please watch this video. It's a trailer for an upcoming film on John McCain, and it's simply devastating. It's all his own words. Then his other words that contradict his words. Again, and again, and again.
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Open Thread

It's been a while since we've had a baby panda update, hasn't it? Here's the latest picture of Mei Lan.

And, since one can't really *be* off topic in an open thread, here's a new design by Demetrius.

Other new (mostly nonpolitical) designs here.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Douglas Adams on "many to many" communication

This is a fairly lengthy excerpt from a speech by Douglas Adams, but I don't think I can leave any out and give a complete enough picture. It's something I've been thinking about lately, and thought it would be a good thing to share, especially as we try to figure out how to "be the media" rather than being content to let the media talk at us and define reality for us. (Emphases mine.)

Traditionally, we have a bunch of different ways in which we communicate with each other. One way is one-to-one; we talk to each other, have a conversation. Another is one-to-many, which I'm doing at the moment, or someone could stand up and sing a song, or announce we've got to go to war. Then we have many-to-one communication; we have a pretty patchy, clunky, not-really-working version we call democracy, but in a more primitive state I would stand up and say, 'OK, we're going to go to war' and some may shout back 'No we're not!'—and then we have many-to-many communication in the argument that breaks out afterwards!

In this century (and the previous century) we modelled one-to-one communications in the telephone, which I assume we are all familiar with. We have one-to-many communication—boy do we have an awful lot of that; broadcasting, publishing, journalism, etc.—we get information poured at us from all over the place and it's completely indiscriminate as to where it might land. It's curious, but we don't have to go very far back in our history until we find that all the information that reached us was relevant to us and therefore anything that happened, any news, whether it was about something that's actually happened to us, in the next house, or in the next village, within the boundary or within our horizon, it happened in our world and if we reacted to it the world reacted back. It was all relevant to us, so for example, if somebody had a terrible accident we could crowd round and really help.

Nowadays, because of the plethora of one-to-many communication we have, if a plane crashes in India we may get terribly anxious about it but our anxiety doesn't have any impact. We're not very well able to distinguish between a terrible emergency that's happened to somebody a world away and something that's happened to someone round the corner. We can't really distinguish between them any more, which is why we get terribly upset by something that has happened to somebody in a soap opera that comes out of Hollywood and maybe less concerned when it's happened to our sister. We've all become twisted and disconnected and it's not surprising that we feel very stressed and alienated in the world because the world impacts on us but we don't impact the world. Then there's many-to-one; we have that, but not very well yet and there's not much of it about. Essentially, our democratic systems are a model of that and though they're not very good, they will improve dramatically.

But the fourth, the many-to-many, we didn't have at all before the coming of the Internet, which, of course, runs on fibre-optics. It's communication between us that forms the fourth age of sand. Take what I said earlier about the world not reacting to us when we react to it; I remember the first moment, a few years ago, at which I began to take the Internet seriously. It was a very, very silly thing. There was a guy, a computer research student at Carnegie Mellon, who liked to drink Dr Pepper Light. There was a drinks machine a couple of storeys away from him, where he used to regularly go and get his Dr Pepper, but the machine was often out of stock, so he had quite a few wasted journeys.

Eventually he figured out, 'Hang on, there's a chip in there and I'm on a computer and there's a network running around the building, so why don't I just put the drinks machine on the network, then I can poll it from my terminal whenever I want and tell if I'm going to have a wasted journey or not?' So he connected the machine to the local network, but the local net was part of the Internet—so suddenly anyone in the world could see what was happening with this drinks machine.

Now that may not be vital information but it turned out to be curiously fascinating; everyone started to know what was happening with the drinks machine. It began to develop, because in the chip in the machine didn't just say, 'The slot which has Dr Pepper Light is empty' but had all sorts of information; it said, 'There are 7 Cokes and 3 Diet Cokes, the temperature they are stored at is this and the last time they were loaded was that'. There was a lot of information in there, and there was one really fabulous piece of information: it turned out that if someone had put their 50 cents in and not pressed the button, i.e. if the machine was pregnant, then you could, from your computer terminal wherever you were in the world, log on to the drinks machine and drop that can! Somebody could be walking down the corridor when suddenly, 'bang!' — there was a Coca-Cola can! What caused that? — well obviously somebody 5,000 miles away!

Now that was a very, very silly, but fascinating, story and what it said to me was that this was the first time that we could reach back into the world. It may not be terribly important that from 5,000 miles away you can reach into a University corridor and drop a Coca-Cola can but it's the first shot in the war of bringing to us a whole new way of communicating.
Click here for the full speech, which was given by Douglas Adams in 1998.

By the way, I've crossposted my thoughts about Hillary and the media at Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, My Left Wing, and ePluribus Media, in case anyone would like to check out some of the responses.

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Bloggers on the radio

Just saw this posted at Firedoglake and wanted to give a heads-up for anyone who might be interested:

Catch Firedoglake's Jane Hamsher and Marcy Wheeler, author of "Anatomy of Deceit," streaming on Cynthia Black's radio show here as they discuss the Libby trial. This runs today at 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST.)

Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out a Spy

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Astral music for a Sunday morning

By Subway

I found this by accident and thought I'd share. This is the type of stretching of the boundaries of awareness that I'm so excited about. Here are some of the free tracks from his website.

Inner Planes

Music for Healing

Music for Ascension

As you rise to this beautiful Sunday Morning, enjoy these wonderful musical treasures.


(Side note. I know the picture is large, but the artwork is so unique I just had to highlight it.)

Note from Renee: Here's a link to Oscar's Word for the Week.

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My President

On my way to bed, but didn't feel like leaving the Hillary post up for Sunday morning.

I want to vote my hopes, not my fears in 2008. So I leave you with this picture of Al Gore, the man who should have been president, and who still should become our president. Someone who, in the wake of Katrina, did what he could as a private citizen to help these people.

This is *my* president.

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