A little hope of Spring...
Ahhhhhh. Feel better?
...eventually. The root and seed are down there, even when we can't see them for the snows.
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
Are you all getting cabin fever seeing all these Winter photos? LOL!
I could start posting some from other seasons if you like. Just say the word!
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
New Suet Location (don't tell the Sharp-shinned Hawk!)
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
We actually got to see the top of Mount Mansfield for a little while this weekend.
It's back in the clouds, but nice to know it's still there.
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
Sorry this was delayed posting, but we had to take Emma-cat to the Emergency Vet at 11:00pm!
She has a UTI, but was a model patient; no hissing or meowing. We are so proud of her. =^. .^=
At least this time I remembered to make the Comments link clickable. LOL!
Posted by listener at 1:13:00 AM
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