ALLY is 3 Years Old TODAY!!!
Let's light Birthday Candles for Ally!!!
Let's light Birthday Candles for Ally!!!
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
Tonight's is an awesome moon! The Native Americans call(ed) the January full moon the Wolf Moon. There is a different name for the moon each month.
I was in town and from that angle the Wolf Moon seemed huge (like a Harvest Moon), rising up half way across Mount Mansfield. I hurried to call home so Hubby could grab the camera, and found I'd left my cell phone home! Oh fie! So I buzzed over to a nearby supermarket to use the pay phone, but needed change. Got change and the phone malfunctioned! Finally got to call home from the Service Desk. Hubby zipped out (in a windchill of about -15!) to get some photos. By then I figured the moon would be up too high, but the timing was perfect since moonrise from home (closer to the mountain) takes place about 15 minutes after the moonrise as seen from town! =Whew!=
Posted by listener at 8:09:00 PM
Tonight is the State of the Union Address. Please come by and discuss!
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
In loving memory of author and friend Nan Crerie Merrill.
Photo by Mary B. Young.
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
In loving memory of author and friend Nan Crerie Merrill.
Photo by Mary B. Young.
Posted by listener at 11:02:00 PM
It's hard to imagine we're expecting RAIN on January 25th.
I guess we'll see!
Posted by listener at 12:59:00 AM
Now it looks like the Shepherd is sneaking up on the sheep with an eye to grabbing it! LOL!
Hubby may need to make a crook for the Shepherd. We hope we aren't freaking out the
neighbours with our Calvin(&Hobbes)istic snow sculpture! ;-D
Posted by listener at 12:00:00 AM
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