The LAST thing we should be doing
Crossposted at Daily Kos, Booman Tribune, and My Left Wing
The big thing on my mind is Frist pushing for a vote on ending the estate tax. My rant of the day is about that.
Is Frist *clinically* insane?
But I really want to do more than rant. I want us to defeat this insane, irresponsible, inhuman proposal with a resounding NO!! vote. I want it stomped into the ground.
I want us to grab America by the lapels, look it right in the eye and say *we* need to say no to this thing. Work with me, America! *Everybody* who is not in the top two percent in income should be outraged--as well as the good guys and gals who *are* in the top two percent--and Senate offices should be *flooded* with letters. How *dare* they throw away an important source of revenue when so many people are in such desperate need right now!
And to be pushing this forward *now*--while so many of us "bleeding heart" liberal types are focussed on doing everything we can to help the hurricane survivors.
Wait a sec...that probably *is* why he decided now was the time. Push this thing forward fast--not giving us time to mount an effective response, especially since we're so preoccupied at the moment.
Jerk. This should totally backfire on him. So, how do we make that happen?
Lots of good articles about Katrina, and what went wrong as far as responding in a timely manner, can be found at the Citizens for Legitimate Government web site.
From the Disability Preparedness Center, articles about the plight of the disabled in the aftermath of Katrina.
And thank you, unien, for passing along the link to ASPCA's Hurricane Relief page. We've certainly seen some sad stories about the fate of beloved family pets in the past few days.
Finally, for anyone who didn't see this the other day, susanhu posted this funny-if-it-weren't-so-tragic piece on Booman Tribune:
"Ohh, nooo!!! The coastal erosion!"
In 2004, Mr. Bill -- the unforgettable clay figure of Saturday Night Live fame -- was tapped, by America's Wetland to raise awareness of the loss of Louisiana's swamps and marshlands.
Must-see video: Mr. Bill in "Hurricane Sluggo," "Save New Orleans," "Mr. Bill Does the Weather," and a 45-minute video, "New Orleans: The Natural History." Crooks & Liars has a write-up on the 2004 ad, noting that Mr. Bill knew, unlike Mr. Bush, that the levees could be breached.