Monday, August 05, 2024




  1. I'm liking Walz more and more. Looking forward to Tuesday's announcement...!

  2. Hmmm...another indication that it could be Walz...

    Minnesota’s Democratic Gov. Tim Walz, who has emerged as a top contender for Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate, will no longer travel to New Hampshire as originally planned, WMUR-TV has learned.

    “The governor's schedule has changed and he is no longer traveling to New Hampshire this weekend," Teddy Tschann, a spokesman for Walz, said in a statement.

    The Harris campaign could not confirm what specifically caused the governor's schedule to change.

    Here's the whole article

    1. The funny thing is that ALL the potential candidates' schedules were altered because they had to go meet with the VP. This is just how the press chose to sensationalise it.

    2. Deep sigh.
      listener, this isn't sensationalism. It's trying to get the story, which is what the press does. --nordy

  3. I'm way behind on reading up on the various VP picks. Andy Beshear also seems a good candidate and he's only 46. He looks as young as he is too. Gosh, if he's the choice, then both the VP candidates would be younger than some of my kids. First time that's happened.

    1. I read the Wikipedia entry for Beshear; it makes him sound like a pretty mixed bag in terms of politics.

  4. I've been hearing a lot of speculation about Shapiro. I hope that's all it is. I would take either Walz or Kelly in a walk over him. --nordy

  5. The stock market opened 800 points down this morning in response to a disappointing jobs report Friday that is raising recession fears. It's also giving Elizabeth Warren a chance to say "I told you so" to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Warren, who has been urging the Fed to cut rates for some time, memorably told Powell on Friday to "come back from vacation" and cut interest rates. "He's been warned over and over that waiting too long risks driving the economy into a ditch," she said. "The jobs data is flashing red." --nordy

    1. As I understand it the data wasn't bad, it was just less good than expected. And for that, the entire world's markets are having the vapors. I do not like the stock market!

    2. It is an old truism that the stock market is hypochondriac.

    3. The more I think about this, the more it ticks me off. What a bunch of mamby pamby pantywaist crybabies! "My lollipop isn't as big as you said it would be, so I'm gonna throw a tantrum. WHAAH!"

  6. Citing three sources, the Guardian is reporting that the VP race is now between Walz and Shapiro. --nordy

    1. Excuse me, the original report is from Reuters. --nordy

    2. Well, then, I hope it's Walz, but I'd also be open to Harris coming out with a complete surprise. I don't like the media being all paparazzi about who Harris is meeting with and when and why, etc. etc.. Kelly was "eliminated" in the estimation of those squeezing out any clues because he posted on social media that his focus is now on Arizona. When the media ran with that comment, he took it down. Our culture really needs to learn a little patience.

    3. I mean, we already know we'll hear tomorrow night, right? Isn't that enough? I kind of wish all the media speculation would stop. Doesn't bother me here in the blog, since we're not here to best someone else and get a scoop. In the words of Tina Fey in her movie "Mean Girls", the media needs to "eat a cracker and stop."

    4. Walz’s lieutenant governor Peggy Flanagan, [Click] seems thoroughly satisfactory.

    5. Peggy Flanagan! I should certainly think so! My goodness! You don't get more Irish than that!

    6. Evidently she's Native American, although that doesn't necessarily preclude an Irish ancestor. --nordy

  7. A Governor Would Be a Rare Pick for Democrats. [Click] It hasn’t happened since 1924. I must admit that I am becoming rather bored with the delay in announcing Ms Harris’s running mate, but it will make it more difficult for TFG to deal with. The longer it takes, the more I am inclined to assume it will be someone I am displeased with who will be a heartbeat away from the presidency. And my back continues to hurt, which does not raise my spirits.

    1. Being an American voter these days really is back breaking work. Take care, Alan. Not too much weeding or pruning. Walk when you can. The stress of elections (and aging) can certain tense up one's muscles!

    2. Oh, Alan, I hope you feel better soon!

    3. Thanks to massage from my sweetie and our daughter it is slowly getting better, but it has been a real drag. I will take a spin on the stationary bicycle ere long.

    4. The problem is with a set of tight muscles running from my right shoulder blade down to the pelvis. I am glad I have a cane.

    5. Alan, I feel your pain. Have spinal arithitis and degenerative disk disease. --nordy

  8. I'll be back in a couple of hours to continue wrestling with the code for The Arty Blog. It's currently in a bigger mess than ever. But, it'll have to stay that way a while longer. :( Really thought I had it there for a moment, but you know how that goes.

  9. Allan Lichtman: Will Uncertain Economy Sink Dems in November? [Click] Probably not.

  10. Don't know if it's me, Alan, but I'm clicking on the Lichtman story and nothing is happening. --nordy

    1. It's not just you.. Will fix.

    2. This should work:
      Allan Lichtman: Will Uncertain Economy Sink Dems in November? [Click] Probably not.

  11. US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in 'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century'
    "Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly," said a federal judge in the decision. --nordy

  12. Column of black SUV’s leaves Walz’s home. [Click] Video at about 3 minutes.
