Thursday, August 08, 2024

Get ready, Dude. You're outta here.



  1. Lots of notes on the last thread. 😊

    Vermont is closely watching the remnants of TS Debby, expecting some serious rain and possibly *more* flooding. The storm is edging a bit further west at the moment, though, which could be our saving grace here. Currently the center of the track goes right. over. my. house. !

    On Tuesday, I'll be working at the polls, for Vermont's Primary. Looking forward to it!
    Seriously tempted to wear my cat's-ears headband (which I usually have for Hallowe'en)...LOL!

  2. From Heather Cox Richardson:

    Yesterday the Republican-dominated Georgia State Election Board passed a rule that could delay the certification of an election until “after reasonable inquiry that the tabulation and canvassing of the election are complete and accurate and that the results are a true and accurate accounting of all votes cast in that election.” In a rally on Saturday, Trump thanked the three Republican members of the board—Janice Johnston, Rick Jeffares, and Janelle King—by name, calling them “pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory.”

    More here

    1. The rest of what she had to say tonight was very positive and good news indeed! Just was surprised by this part and wanted to highlight it.

  3. listener--- re your computer: recently I went shopping with our daughter for a new laptop (hers was worn out and incompatible with newer software). We were surprised by the modest price of the new Apple laptops--- a lot for the money. Later we found the explanation; several important chips had been consolidated into one, decreasing the cost of manufacturing--- but decreasing repairability and increasing the importance of backups.

    1. Interesting! I'd best do that backup because my MacBook Air isn't all that old...!

  4. Dandy cartoon to start the day, listener. Yesterday I read stories about the Presidential candidates' campaigning. Harris/Walz had a couple of appearances in a "purple" upper Midwestern state; at one the line of people waiting to get in seemed interminable. At another the line of cars stretched down the road and over the hills out of state. The outdoor stadium was jam-packed; it was like nothing I had ever seen since Bernie appeared in Fresno. TFG had a single appearance scheduled in Montana, and Vance addressed a group of reporters at an otherwise pretty much empty parking lot.


    1. Should read "over the hills and out of sight." I plead lack of coffee. And I should have said "it was like nothing I have ever seen except when Bernie appeared in Fresno."

  5. Push to honor trailblazing woman who spearheaded New Deal with monument [Click] Side note: one of my employers in times past told of his aunt who had marched in the funeral procession for the victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory disaster.

  6. Replies
    1. Gosh I sure hope they can fix Starliner, so Musk doesn't get credit.

  7. Catalan police hunt for Carles Puigdemont as separatist leader returns to Spain [Click] “Fugitive former regional president addressed supporters in Barcelona before disappearing, sparking police operation”

  8. HCR also notes that the Repos are trying replay history by swift-boating Walz.
    "Indeed, the Republican operative widely thought to be behind the attacks on [John] Kerry, Chris LaCivita, is now in charge of the Trump-Vance campaign. Vance today suggested that Walz is engaging in 'stolen valor.'” --nordy

    1. Sure, after having served for twenty-four years, starting when he was seventeen. Me thinks they're going to have a hard time making that one stick.

    2. How are Trump's bone spurs these days?

  9. Tasting History video: [Click] And a very interesting strawberry tart recipe from the time of Henry VIII.

    1. Trying again:
      Tasting History video: How modern strawberries were invented [Click] And a very interesting strawberry tart recipe from the time of Henry VIII.

  10. Wapo: Harris and Walz seize on joyful message in contrast to darker Trump themes.
    "Former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, are offering a dark and dystopian vision of Democratic rule, running an operation laden with name-calling and trolling and rife with grievance...
    Harris and Walz, meanwhile, are offering a sunnier vision and tone — and seem to be having a heckuva good time doing so. Gone are Biden’s sober exhortations about the battle for the soul of the nation and a democracy under attack; in its place are promises of “freedom” and “a brighter future” and, at times, audible giggles and laughter." --nordy

    1. Yes, people everywhere are feeing cheered up. Folks are weary of name calling, retribution and the constant complaining about our country. It's great to have the option instead of looking forward to going forward. It will make it a lot easier for people to get up on Election Day and feel like voting!
      It reminds me of what a wise elder woman in a church once said. Feeling the financial pinch, the church had turned the heating system off for some weeks, even though it turned cold. The wise woman said, "When it's cold and the collection plate is passed, I find it difficult to take my hand out of my pocket."

  11. Video: Elon Musk gets Bad News Over Trump-linked scam PAC [Click] The badder the better, but I need to (literally, not figuratively) kill some weeds now.

  12. Allan Lichtman slipped and pronounced Kamala as Camel-ah, but quickly corrected himself. My native accent is the old Chicago accent (standard US accent when I was young), in which the Mary-marry-merry merger is complete. For some years I have been working on un-merging them, so I now have psychological difficulty pronouncing "Harris" as "Herris." I am thinking about just giving up on it, assuming that people will expect to hear "Herris" and will therefore perceive my "Harris" as "Herris."

    1. In most if perhaps not all of the UK, the distinctive pronunciation of Mary-marry-merry is preserved; the only North American native English speaker I have heard who did so was from an English-speaking community in Quebec.

    2. I definitely pronounce Mary, marry and merry each differently. Mary sounds like Meery, Marry (rhymes with Harry) and merry (rhymes with very).

    3. Aha! You are, after all, from Baja Quebec!

  13. Another fact check on Trump [Click]“Donald Trump said Thursday that he once had to make an emergency landing while riding in a helicopter with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown,” Brown: It never happened.

  14. I noticed in the video of Trump's news conference that when he was questioned about the injury to his ear, he was holding the top edge of the ear while talking about the nick being in the lobe.

    1. LOL. It sure looked like it was bleeding higher up than the earlobe, at the event where it happened.

    2. I figure he doesn't know what an ear lobe is.

  15. I tried to post Harry Lipman's take on this item yesterday - donno why it didn't take. :( Here's what Glenn Kirschner has to say:

    Video: Arizona Grand Jury Wanted to Indict Donald Trump But Prosecutors Told Them NO: An Explainer - Click
