Sunday, January 28, 2024

Rock on!

puddle's creek has risen can see a bit of her porch to the left.
She built that cabin herself.


  1. Jung? I thought at first that it was Bernie Sanders! But I haven't yet had my first cup of coffee this morning. It's beginning to get light outside, and it is foggy. Today's predicted high temp 68F. Something wrong with our phone line; discovered no dial tone last night. Don't find a handset off the hook; will check where it connects at the side of the house sometime this morning. Had a letter from the phone company yesterday that they are asking permission of the public utilities commission to discontinue land line service.

  2. Leahy sees violations of his namesake law

    The Leahy Law, named after Vermont’s longtime senator, bars the U.S. government from providing military aid to foreign entities found to have conducted “gross violations of human rights.” Leahy said he thinks the American government is running afoul of the law in providing military assistance to Israel.

    1. I don't understand why Israel even needs US military assistance. AFAIK, it is by far the strongest military power in the region.

  3. ITA! Military aid should ONLY be going to Ukraine to keep it from Russian hands. Netanyahu has amply illustrated that he will not quit until every since Palestinian man, woman, child and baby is dead. It is genocide and he WILL NOT STOP. No way in Hell should we be helping him. This is a major FUBAR on Biden's part. (Susan)

    1. Susan added 1/28/2024 02:23:00 PM
      (Susan) "since" was supposed to be "single". Fat finger blunder.

    2. I completely agree. In addition to this just plain being horrifically wrong, it puts the US in the crosshairs of extremist groups that are being angered by this gross injustice, and the average person would not be moved to stop them.

  4. ✨💖✨puddle update!
    Cooter wrote: "We moved her to a private in-home care facility with hospice nurses from the hospital checking in on her periodically. She’s free to move about the house if only she were able. She sleeps a lot and when awake she is only half awake, in a groggy dream state."

    1. Cooter added:
      I am sitting in her usual chair in West Virginia now. I’ve come to check on the house, the cat, get extra clothes, pick up mail and mailed prescriptions, etc. I may be delayed returning. One of her favorite expressions is “God willing and if the creek don’t rise”. (I'll post out front the photo he sent! Her creek is now overflowing and covering his exit.)

    2. Many thanks to Cooter and listener for the update.

    3. Cooter just added: This happens more frequently than she was aware of, but it never gets much worse than this so long as the bridge culverts don’t get clogged. I should have gone out in the pouring rain and darkness with a flashlight after I arrived last night and pulled the branches out while I still had access. This will go down after a day but it is one of the reasons the neighbors thought my mom was crazy, building a house so close to the creek. But teleworking is a thing now. Thank goodness we were able to get broad band recently or you wouldn’t be hearing from me now.

    4. It looks to me like the house is high enough that flooding shouldn't be a big problem--water should overflow the other side of the road.

    5. Alan, I'm just so relieved she is out of that bland hospital and into a place that has nice curtains on the windows, floral sheets and pillowcases, and a bright fleece blanket. That, plus Hospice people are the best sort to have around you in your end days.

    6. This just in from Cooter. I know Catreona was concerned about puddle's kitty. (I was too.) ...
      The cat will be fine. She is a Cheshire Cat. I’ve only seen a tail as she darts behind furniture. The food and water go down and the litter box goes up. She’ll be good between visits. And there is neighbor Nancy to help. The most important thing is she is a guard cat against the flying squirrels, known as fairydiddles. I’ve had to clean up their destruction, chewing everything to pieces for nests, pooping and peeing then moving on to new nests. No sign of the unwanted guests, thank heaven for the cat.

    7. I was wondering about the cat too.

    8. was initially confused by the term "in-home facility." I would have assumed it meant in HER home, but apparently it just mans a facility that looks like a residence.

  5. It was a really nice and fairly warm afternoon; I got everything done on a persimmon tree that I could with a pruning hook, although it still needs a bit of work with the electric pole chain saw. tomorrow is also supposed to be warm and rain-free. I might be able to finish up the pruning hook work on a cherry tree and even a peach tree. Then on to another persimmon tree and finished except for removal of the dead tangelo tree sometime or another.

    1. Your posts about gardening make me realise what a northerner I am. I am so not ready for gardening yet. I love to garden, but I also need the long break the Winter months necessitate.
