Friday, February 02, 2024

✨πŸ•―✨CANDLEMAS!✨πŸ•―✨ (aka Groundhog Day)



  1. Today! We'll find out whether we'll have 6 more weeks of Winter or only a Month and A Half!

  2. Rain predicted starting tomorrow evening, sunny albeit chilly now. Will get in gear, spray horticultural oil (it's fast and easy with a hose-end sprayer); also put some prunings into the green-top trash can.

    1. I looked outside, double-checked the weather forecast, and decided to make a liar of myself. Gardening tomorrow. Looks like it could rain any time now.

  3. [Video] We may now know why Judge Engoron has delayed his decision in Trump’s New York civil fraud case [Click] Alan Weisselberg is reportedly in the process of pleading guilty to perjury while testifying in the case. Caught in real time by Forbes. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” It’s probably reasonable to assume that Mr. Weisselberg is willing to sing like a canary to avoid a second stay in prison.

    1. I had assumed (evidently like many others) that the “tangled web” quotation was from Shakespeare, but it is actually fromWalter Scott. [Click]

  4. Walnut, a white-naped crane with a Smithsonian zookeeper as a mate, dies at age 42 [Click] “Long-lived member of the vulnerable species was coaxed into reproducing by her zookeeper and eventually hatched eight chicks”

  5. Wow! Another complete rainbow! With just a bit of the secondary one.
