Saturday, January 27, 2024

Our Little Hemlock...

This tree, that was creamed by a tree service several years ago,
by a tree they felled, has truly recovered!


  1. New York’s natural history museum to close halls featuring Native American artifacts [Click] “Move is in response to recently updated federal law requiring consent from Indigenous peoples to display their objects” Human remains and funerary objects.

  2. Noon here; the clouds are getting a little thicker, but we can still see the snow on the mountaintops.

    1. We held a conference and decided to skip gardening today because it is pretty cool (by our standards). The following three days are predicted to be significantly warmer.

  3. Replies
    1. She wants a Civil War. I say we just need to start giving certain states Wil tends to Texas.

    2. Getting practical: 1. Swing states exist. 2. How does Illinois connect to the rest of the country?

  4. From Heather Cox Richardson!
    Part One:

    For years, folks here have asked for short, simple information about what is really happening in American politics to share with friends and family who aren’t paying close attention. It’s always been a great idea, but I just didn’t have the time to take it on.

    Now, though, going into the 2024 election, one of this project’s key readers, Michele Rudenko, has stepped up. Her Biden for the Win campaign is designed to break down what is at stake in 2024 in cards that can be printed at home or at a copy center and either used as talking points or simply distributed where you think they will do some good.

    When Michele came to me with this idea, I thought of how you all, along with organizations like Liberal Rocks, have been able to reach places that no official campaign ever could.

    And that made me think of a project from 1936.

    In that year, opponents of the New Deal were determined to make sure Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a flash in the pan, a one-term president whose actions would be erased and whose principles would be forgotten as the country returned to the ideology of the 1920s and government protection of business alone.

    But women liked the FDR government’s regulation of business and provision of a basic social safety net, which had been advanced by people like Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, the first female cabinet secretary.

    So in summer 1936, women organized to produce what became known as “Rainbow Flyers”: one-page fact sheets printed on different colors of paper. Each would have “facts clearly stated [with] each flier carrying the important facts in a given field of government activity—as agriculture, business, labor, finance, etc.,” as the plans of the Women’s Division of the Democratic
    National Committee spelled out. “Just the facts and no comments,” as one woman said, “a sort of, if that’s what you want, vote for it.”

    In her 1981 book Beyond Suffrage: Women in the New Deal, historian Susan Ware noted that these fliers made up 80% of all Democratic literature in 1936, as women and men distributed them across the country to make sure that folks who didn’t really understand what was happening in the country had access to factual information.

    1. Part Two:

      When FDR won reelection, one of the project’s organizers wrote to another: “In my humble opinion there is no one who did more to provide an intelligent basis of fact on which voters could make their decision in the campaign than you and your associates….”

      So here we are in 2024, and what is old is new again.

      You can follow and join the Biden for the Win card campaign project at Biden for the Win

      Or email Michele at

    2. Biden for the Win cards are ready for download.
      Go to this link to download your set today.

      Biden for the Win cards!

      These are PDF template files and PDF instruction documents.
      Write me if you run into a problem.

    3. ^ Note: The "me" in the above post is Michele.

    4. Intersting idea.

    5. Evidently it only works through Facebook.

  5. The Atlantic: A ‘Chicken From Hell’ Could Rewrite the Story of the Dinosaurs’ Final Days [Click] “These fossils show that new species are still to be discovered, and support the idea that at least part of the pattern of decreasing diversity is the result of sampling and preservation biases.”

  6. The Bloody Truth Behind America's Ancient Anasazi [Click] Egad. Dreadful, but seems undeniable.
