Thursday, August 25, 2022

A friend has Sheep! Meet: GINGERSNAP



  1. Hi, Gingersnap!

  2. Congressman’s wife died after taking herbal remedy marketed for weight loss and diabetes [Click]

    There are quite a few medicines, notably herbal, that work by irritating the lining of the digestive tract. I avoid those.


    1. A friend once gave me an herbal compound of vitamins to try. I was trying to boost my immune system after recurrent shingles, so was happy to try it. About ten days later I was in my doctor's office with a rash on my abdomen and he asked me something he'd never asked me before. "Have you been using any herbal supplements?" Sure enough.

  3. Replies
    1. That pair is astounding. The fellow on the right has a deformity of the ear that is probably the result of an injury.

  4. (Susan) I stop by the blog several times every day, but I never feel I have much to add. This week I have been busy with family. My youngest brother needed a fairly serious surgery on his hand so I took him to that. Then I brought him home with me because the nurse was most emphatic that he could not be alone for 24 hours. Took him home the next day and tomorrow I'm taking him to the doctor again to get his hand unwrapped and some kind of therapy - don't know what.

    1. Family comes first.

    2. You have your priorities straight. What a kind sister to help her brother so much and, really, so unexpectedly. 💖

  5. Went our to dinner tonight and sat outside because temps were nice. About 2 or 3 minutes after I sat down it started raining, eventually turning into a downpour. Luckily, my table was well under the restaurant's awning. I was actually the only diner to stay outside.

    Needless to say, the rain had completely stopped by the time I finished dinner and walked home. Downpours in the Chicago area are brief.

    1. That actually sounds rather nice! I love a good rain and to have the place to oneself (especially during Covid) is pretty wonderful. Nice that the rain let up for your walk home too.
