Monday, June 13, 2022




  1. Fox News will air January 6 hearings, reflecting split between news and hosts [Click] Just glancing through the column, the Fox talking heads clearly reside at the deep end. I thought Rupert Murdoch was coming out against Trump in his newspapers, but evidently his son Lachlan runs Fox News. Murdoch's media empire can't disintegrate a day too soon to suit me.

  2. Replies
    1. Could it really be up to independents to rescue the GOP from itself?

    2. I really do not want Liz Cheney as President, because let's not forget that she is a Republican with an impeccable Republican voting record. I do admit she is a person of integrity and the best that the GOP could hope for.

    3. The idea of temporarily registering as a Republican to vote in their primary interests me to a degree. After all, that is what I have been doing with the Democrats.

    4. The major drawback would be the increase in junk mail from Republicans.

  3. White Supremacists Deliver Themselves To Cops In A U-Haul [Click] Yesterday’s news today, but with more detail—including detailed plan helpfully delivered to police.

    1. That is justice. Any word on how they were found out?

    2. Part of it was somebody phoned the police to report a bunch of people getting into a U-Haul.

    3. Details in the link I posted yestermorn.

  4. The End of the “Millennial Lifestyle Subsidy” [Click] “Something beyond rising energy and labor costs is leading to sticker shock on once cheap urban amenities.” Fossil that I am, I am gratified. Evidently it did not occur to the writer to call a taxi.

  5. Today's Hearing is such a RELIEF. We keep smiling and cheering, and then feel a little strange for cheering (it's all a horror, really). What I am hearing is that Giuliani and DT were pretty unhinged. So now I'm expecting them to (at best) get off on an insanity defense. And that would really piss me off.

    1. Actually, I wouldn't mind a straight-up insanity defense; temporary insanity is another matter.

    2. The most interesting news came from the Philadelphia commissioner's revelation that Georgia was not the only state where Republicans refused to vote for Trump. Trump was a drag where other Republican candidates won.
      A Local Georgia political analysis program is finally addressing the Trump albatross effect. Candidates are avoiding both the parties and the Trumpists to appeal to the growing number of independent voters.
      Of course the press is not keen to report on voters who upset their binary fantasy.

    3. If there is a question about the defendant's mental competence, s/he is held for psychiatric examination. If not found competent, s/he is confined in a psychiatric facility until competent to stand trial. That also works for me.

  6. Anyone else notice that Chairman Benjamin Thompson's voice sounds much like actor Morgan Freeman's? So, when the time comes for the movie version of the investigation, Freeman could certainly offer that role.

  7. Regarding testimony by DT's Republican inner circle members:

    "Team Trump is hanging Donald Trump."
    ~ John King, CNN

    1. Hanging might be a bit much, but howzabout keelhauling? The US Navy ships are generally too large--it would amount to a death penalty. There is, however, the USS Constitution. . .

    2. How do we hold the press accountable for providing speculation and false information? Losing readers and audience has not had an effect because of their unholy alliance with commercial advertising. Some magazines are even sending out free subscriptions
      to keep the circulation numbers that set their rates up.

  8. Speaking of the reality that DT kept up the big lie to raise funds (as many as 25 emails per day to supporters."

    "It wasn't just the big lie, it was the big ripoff."
    Representative Lofgren (D-CA)

    1. This via

      “Federal securities regulators have expanded their investigation into the planned merger between a blank check acquisition company and former President Trump’s social media business, known as Truth Social,” Axios reports.

      “The SEC is investigating communications between the blank check company, called Digital World Acquisition Corp., and Trump. Of particular interest would be if the two sides negotiated prior to DWAC going public, which would have been illegal.”

    2. It is rather much to hope for, but it would be sweet if Devin Nunes were swept up in the investigation.

    3. Money is tricky. because it has no intrinsic value, it is difficult to prove theft, especially when the transfer was not coerced. That is why the NY Ag is bringing a civil suit--no need to prove an intent to injure.
      While donations to candidates for public office have been limited by states and Congress, the Dude obviously discovered that as a private citizen he could accept gifts to his heart's content.
      Wonder if someone could file a class-action civil suit.

  9. While shopping for groceries this morning, we passed by the condensed milk section, which was fully stocked, with multiple brands (all with vitamins A and D added, natch). I intended to check the infant formula section, but forgot. I didn't look to see if they had any condensed goat milk, but that is available online.
