Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Village


  1. What do you think are the chances that AOC may become Bernie’s running mate?

    I imagine she doesn’t have sufficient experience to be second in line and have dealings with foreign powers. But those two sure could get a lot accomplished.

    1. I don't think she need worry about being running mate. She serves the country well where she is.

    2. She can't. She's not eligible to be president.
      Minimum age: 35.

    3. Thanks, puddle. D'yaknow, I've never even thought about her age before? Cool that she's only 30. Lots of years ahead to serve!

  2. Red Flags All Over for Senate Republicans [Click]

    Impeachment poses problems for Putin, too. [Click]

    Revenge of the State Department [Click]

    The Liberation of Mitt Romney [Click] I have never felt the man was devoid of all redeeming social significance, although I would be hard pressed to imagine voting for him. For any office.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm a little surprised and disappointed that Warren wasn't better prepared at the recent debate to deal with the question of Medicare For All costs; she should have seen that one coming a hundred miles away. It is evidently questionable whether Bernie's proposed transaction tax would raise enough money to fund his initiatives, but the basic idea (soak those who can well afford it) resonates.

    2. I think warren deliberately decided that, in the context of Medicare for All, the word "tax" was a no-no. I think she was wrong.

  4. When “sewer socialism” ruled during the first half of the 20th century, Milwaukee flourished. [Click]

    How to Find a Hobby [Click] OK, so I have something of a start on that. But how to turn it into a social hobby is a challenge.

    1. Which hobby are you referring to, Alan? Painting?

      Why not organise a monthly plein air group, that meets to paint together?

      Or, you could join a local art association, where folks take turns sharing what they're working on, and have occasional speakers?

    2. Yes, ink & wash sketching by direct observation. I have a couple of feelers out, though I don't have high hopes for them. I didn't think of scanning for "plein air;" that is a good idea. How I would organize such a group is a puzzle, since I do not know anyone who does it. It has occurred to me to try setting up a Meetup group, but Meetups don't seem to be thriving around here. Trying to set it up myself would be a last resort. The local arts council doesn't seem to offer anything helpful. Well, I will continue considering it. Thanks for the input, listener.

    3. Sunnuvagun--there IS an active plein air group in the area! That solves the prolbem; thanks, listener.

    4. Hmmmm.... the organizer of the group seems not to have posted anything since 2011, and there have not been any posts to the plein air group page since then, either. She would be 89 years old if alive. But she lists Bernie Sanders among her favorites on her facebook page. And there are a number of people (all women) listed as members of the plein air group, so I can go hunting for them. I bookmarked the plein air group page.

    5. Hurrah! I'm glad there may already be an active group! Keep us posted!

  5. Replies
    1. Note: It's really the remains (in the form of a meteor shower) of what Halley's Comet left behind in 1986, not the comet itself.

  6. Other than Biden, who has the most foreign policy experience among the candidates? Warren? I'm thinking that might be important for a VP.

    1. Experience does not necessarily imply good judgment.
