Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tree 🎄

This is in my yard!


  1. How Greenland would look without its ice sheet[Click]

    The French apprentices thriving on medieval roots[Click] Nothing new here, and no surprise it endures. Nice, though.

    Naughty fellow that I am, when I think of the outcome of the Alabama senatorial election, I have a recurring earworm—the chorus of Babylon is Fallen[Click] ever so slightly modified:

    "Babylon is fallen, fallen, fallen; Babylon is fallen, to rise no Moore."

    And on that note, to bed.


  2. Replies
    1. So I came here a little before midnight and saw this article. A must-read that I have only just sort-of finished. I was particularly interested in this 20% deduction for business (Schedule C) income. Still don't think it makes sense. But apparently that's what's in the law, subject to certain restrictions. And those restrictions are so complex I still have no clue how I will be affected.

      But it did confirm that I made the right move in pre-paying the first-half installment o my property taxes tonight.

    2. Yeah, Bill, we're wondering how this affects our home business (S-corporation) too. I hope the State will hold some workshops on these things. I imagine even accountants aren't up on the complexity yet. Who could be?

  3. Trump attorneys vs. Mueller team.[Click] If I may be pardoned an unwonted sports analogy, it seems like the volleyball junior varsity vs. the Steelers. Or something like that.

    McCain Will Miss Tax Vote[Click]


  4. Just talked for a while with the father of my children, and this is the order of my sins:

    Pittsburgh had the games stolen
    Bill O'liely doesn't lie
    Any woman can accuse any guy without proof and the guy's fired
    Fox isn't as honest as it used to be
    CNN lies and doesn't apologize
    Conservative students flunk out because all universities are run by leftists
    George Soros is paying women to lie about der turnip
    I don't have a TV

    1. Cheese-us...



    2. ...all of which serves to underscore that you made a wise decision years ago. 😉
