Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beary nice time to ski


  1. Howard Dean is First!

    I remember that when he was Governor here each ski season began with some sort of Gov photo op, as a boost to tourism. :-)

    Have a great weekend, everyone! Our family gathering is Sat-Sun, and I'm sure to have stories to tell afterward! ;-)

  2. Peeked outside about 10 min ago and discovered we'd gotten an inch or two of snow! I guess I was busy tonight! LOL!

  3. Cold and bright, and no snow. Not going to reach 40ยบ today.

  4. Had snow last night and this morning. Less than an inch. And I think it has mostly melted. Sidewalks almost clear when I came back from the library, where I had lead a discussion of Lovecraft's "At the Mountains of Madness." Just hope the sedewalks don't get icy tonight.

    Incidentally, while I was preparing to lead this discussion it occurred to me that what Lovecraft wrote, which was called "wierd fiction" at the time, is much closer to what we would now call "suspense" rather than "horror." Maybe "paranormal suspense" for a definition of "paranormal" broad enough to include science fictional as well as fantastic elements.
