Thursday, April 01, 2010

Here's the back side of the Paschal Candle I decorated this month...


  1. Alan...note for you at the bottom of the last thread.

    Exhaustified and heading to bed. The days are too long this week. I need some time to just BE.

  2. puddle, the last thing I'm gonna do tonight before I dive Under the Wing is send you the latest Ally update. ♡

  3. Got it listener, and thanks. Glad to hear you don't need water wings. I'm a little tuckered out by my trip to and from Anchorage, but it was worth it. The attorney sent me an e-mail saying there is a good chance I will be needed on rebuttal, along about the third week of April, so I probably better keep reviewing the material from time to time.

    BTW, I saw an interesting technological contrast at court. The defense attorney (Assistant U.S. Attorney) had a huge bookshelf of binders behind her--I didn't look carefully, but it was at least ten feet and could have been twenty or more (depending on the number of shelves). When she needed to find a document, she had to consult her index, pull the appropriate huge binder and manually find the document of interest.That took maybe a minute or two--plus the time required for reading or describing the document. The plaintiffs' attorney had a printed index of linked exhibits (3-4 pages), and a paralegal sitting at a laptop computer. When he wanted something, he mentioned it to her, she pulled it up and displayed it on a projector screen plus individual screens for the judge and witness--it took maybe ten seconds. But of course they didn't develop that system and those skills without effort.

  4. Here's where I was; the sort of orange towers are the hotel, and the building with the red elements on the shore of the bay is where the attorney's offices are located. Not sure where the federal courthouse is, but it was a little removed from the hotel and ATL's office. Very nice 1970's architecture. And security is tighter than usual--think they might figure there are more disgruntled folks with firearms thereabouts than usual?

  5. Oops--forgot the link. Here it is:

  6. Bill Thomasson4/01/2010 11:20:00 AM

    Looks very nice.

  7. Pretty stark contrast between old school and new school, that. Do you think the tech-assisted efficiency gave the defense a real advantage, or just the gee whiz factor?

  8. listener, the candle is truly lovely.

  9. Bill Thomasson4/01/2010 08:54:00 PM

    I thinnk a sigh of relief is in order: The American Community Survey is done. Although I confess I fudged a bit on the income -- instead of giving income for the past 12 months I gave income for calendar 2009, which I could get from my recently-completed tax return. This rather overstated my earnings -- was probably pretty close for all other types of income -- but I take the position there is a limit to how much they can expect.

  10. I think the judge most likely appreciated the functionality, since he wanted to move things right along. Since there is no jury, the Gee-Whiz coefficient is very low.

  11. The photo was taken during the summer, so that helps. I teased the attorney that he would have a great view of the next tsunami...

  12. Excellent Ally update! And I had no idea Grammie was ten years younger than Jack Benny. Mazel tov!

  13. It sounds like a scene from a comedy movie!

  14. Well, they didn't say how many years she's been 29. 8-)

  15. Thank-you, Susan! ♥

    Stay tuned to see the other side in a few minutes. ;~)

  16. Hurrah!!!

    Congratulations, Bill, and thanks for being a good citizen! :)
