Thursday, August 22, 2024




  1. I just read a bombshell report from the NYT: Ms Harris is REHEARSING her acceptance speech! Whoever heard the like? Except for anyone who took a public speaking class, of course.

    1. For those who didn't take a public speaking course in college, Toastmasters is about the same-- with lower pressure. I was, like many students, afraid of the public speaking course I had to take to graduate from college. That was where I learned to compose an outline, and in graduate school I worked up to the point where I could deliver an hour-long lecture with notes on a single 3X5 inch index card, a single-page handout, and every blackboard planned (including when to fill it out and when to erase it). Without a single "uh" or "um." Some people used the generally transparent technique of asking a friend to ask a particular question at a particular point in the presentation; I developed the technique of skipping over some bit of reasoning necessary to make the presentation 100% logical, then having a good response ready. I once had a young professor walk straight into that. The standardized computer program (from Microsoft? I forget the name) that has come into general use for presentations does not compare to the best that one can do without it.

    2. Quite so; thank you. I am reminded of the statement that "PowerPoint makes you dumb.

  2. DIY Homemade spray to get rid of and kill Spotted Lanternflies ! Non toxic! [Click] Dish detergent plus vinegar (the latter can be omitted). We don’t have them out here, but it sounds like a good idea— although a super soaker should be more fun than a tank sprayer.

  3. I donno if I'd trust a video from a channel called "Inside China Business."

  4. Speeches are definitely shorter so far today.

    1. That reminds me that before the day is out I need to check on Trump's purported appearance at Montezuma Pass for a "border event." I will report here when I find an update.

    2. Here’s the story about Trump’s alleged appearance at Montezuma Pass [Click] Note at the very end says the reporter was in Fort Lauderdale, so Heaven knows where the appearance actually was. Picky, picky, picky.

    3. PBS: "Trump delivers remarks during campaign visit to Arizona border town"
      Lazy reporting; Sierra Vista is not a border town.

    4. Trump and his buddies keep claiming that VP Harris was assigned the job of Alejandro Mayorkas, the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, and the lazy reporters don't comment on it.

    5. Here is a photo [Click] sure enough there is a section of border wall stretching out of sight, and more construction materials on the other side of the road behind the wall. The story filed by the reporter in Florida said there were guards visible on the Mexican side of the border; maybe if one had X-ray eyes? What lazy reporters.

    6. Oh, and there didn't seem to be tens of thousands of attendees in the audience. Tens, maybe.

  5. Michael Popok video: Haha! Trump Gets Bad News in Million Dollar Fraud Case [Click] NY AG torches Trump in scathing brief

  6. Ukrainian missile takes out only remaining ferry transporting fuel tank trucks across the Kerch Strait [Click] [The (rail?) bridge can’t support such heavy trains since it was damaged.]

  7. We went to NH today to meet Daughter and fetch our two younger Maine grands for the weekend! GREAT FUN!!

    Got home in time to hear Kamala Harris' acceptance speech, which was top notch. 😁

    Much better ending to the day than it's beginning!
    * Butterfly #3 died. Never could fly well and after three frustrating days when it was too cold to even try, he ended up upside down in our garden. When I found him he was too weak to make it. I set him on some Goldenrod to rest in peace, and he was still there tonight, fully expired. Poor thing.
    * I went to move our hutch two inches and the glass on one side shattered! Fortunately this was before we left for NH, and not with the children (ages 8 and 4) in the house!
    * Then, I burned my really good whole grain raisin toast.

    Ah well. The gloom lifted once we were on the road and it's been sweetness ever since. We even got to stop part way home to have dinner at a favourite restaurant with Uncle Root*Center*Son!

    These two grands are soooo sweet to each other and so well behaved. Older brother makes sure younger sister takes her allergy medicine, and asks her if she wants help finding her pajamas. Then they both make sure they put their dirty laundry into their laundry bag...! They never drop their clothes on the floor. It blows me away!

    One more thing to tell you, but it deserves its own post...

  8. Today the FDA approved the new Covid vaccine. We immediately checked CVS' website and were able to make appointments! We were hoping for August 30th (as that's convenient for us) and dang if the first day the vaccine will be available there is August 30th! So we're getting ours at high noon. Not yet sure what the side effects will be like, so we're planning on it being rough. I read somewhere that it won't be nice and easy like the boosters were. It'll be more like the original doses we got, since this batch is a very different mix. Stay tuned!

    1. Not long ago I had my yearly physical and the doctor said the new vaccine will be covid plus flu.

  9. America's Fashion Statement:
    Chucks, Pearls and Plaid Shirts

    Or as we call it in Vermont: dressing up!
