Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Here's one for Alan!



  1. I listened to Biden's speech and liked it, but I thought it sounded more like a campaign speech than a passing of the torch. --nordy

    1. I thought it sounded more like his end of career speech.

  2. Yes listener, I would like to call Howard on Friday if that's possible. --nordy

    1. Here you go!

      Judith Hunter is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

      Topic: Howard Dean and the DRC
      Time: Aug 23, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

      Join Zoom Meeting

      Meeting ID: 892 8935 2152
      Passcode: 080363

    2. Thanks, listener! --nordy

  3. I am delighted with Harris/Walz ( ! ). Yet I still think it unconscionable that after all Joe Biden has done for us, he was drummed out by this own party and the media, over one bad debate. It was like one bad debate negated all he had done in the last 3.5 years (and before). He's a better person than I am by not letting what had to feel bitter keep him from serving America.

    1. I am never going to be absolutely pleased with any candidate, but think Harris has grown considerably as a politician, and has profited as an understudy to President Biden. My vote counts for nothing because my state votes so strongly Democratic these days, but I will not hesitate to vote for her. Walz strikes me as an exceedingly good choice for Veep. If [Heaven forfend!] he should have to step up to the Presidency, he would do a competent job of it.

  4. Tom Nichols
    The Atlantic
    Policy isn't going to win this election
    "One of the great myths of American politics is that detailed policy positions are crucial to winning elections. Yes, policy matters in broad strokes: Candidates take general positions on issues such as taxes, abortion, and foreign policy. Rather than study white papers or ponder reports from think tanks, however, most voters count on parties and candidates to signal broad directions and then work out the details later." --nordy

    1. Quite so, in my opinion. The candidate who churns out the most fifteen-point policy papers doesn't gain a following. Broad strokes, character, and seizing the zeitgeist [there's another dandy word] count for a lot. I look forward to Allan Lichtman's official prediction, but his unofficial predictions to date for this year have consistently pointed toward the Democratic candidate. I must admit that I look forward to a report on TFG's trip to Montezuma Pass [should it actually happen] for its downright bizarre nature.

    2. Pity the reporters who get stuck covering that one.

  5. The scary* thing about the word lost out front is that I know all these words and what they mean. And I noted one is posted twice. *I'm not sure if it shows my age or just that I've read a lot. LOL

    1. I note some differences in spelling from what I would use, but that is probably down to regional variation. And, as Andrew Jackson is purported to have said, "It's a damned weak mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."

    2. {listener}
      * word *list*!

    3. {listener}
      Ben Franklin certainly respelled quite a few.

  6. How Veep and The Simpsons Predicted Kamala Harris' Presidential Run [Click] I am unfamiliar with "Veep," but do like the Simpsons bit.

  7. As for a new generation steering, it is in my opinion overdue; the boomers overstayed their welcome. I am pleased that we finally had a President of the "Silent" generation.

  8. This morning I had an unprecedented, and overall pleasant, dream, the details of which I will not share. I couldn’t figure out where it came from, but after a couple hours’ reflection I think it must be rooted in the rise of Ms Harris to the Democratic presidential nomination, and the evident changing of the political guard.

  9. We live in a neighborhood that typically votes heavily Republican. During our morning walk we encountered a neighbor wearing a huge campaign button for Reagan/Bush 1984.

    1. I take it as a sign that he is very displeased with this year's Republican ticket.

  10. Via politicalwire.com
    John Heileman: “Political journalism has always struggled to fully capture or cope with Trump when he’s lost the plot—and it’s struggling mightily now. The standard recourse is to embrace euphemism: to say that Harris’s rise has ‘rattled’ or ‘disoriented’ Trump or ‘knocked him off his game,’ that he’s failing to ‘drive a consistent message,’ that he’s ‘unfocused’ or ‘undisciplined.'”

    “But if we’re honest about Trump’s public behavior over the past month, there’s no getting around the fact that the words and phrases above aren’t merely euphemisms or modestly inaccurate descriptions of his performances on the stump. These weasel words and phrases are well-intentioned but ultimately misleading bullshit. The Trump on display on the campaign trail in the past month isn’t disoriented, unfocused, or undisciplined—he’s dotty, doddering, demented, possibly deranged, and clearly disturbed.”

    “Which is the point that Trump-watchers far more obsessive than me—coming from widely varying ideological and temperamental orientations—are now making in unison.”

  11. Democrats Remind Voters What Normal Looks Like [Click] Talking Points Memo summary of yesterday at the DNC.

  12. I guess Biden was meant to speak in a more prime time slot but speeches went long. Speculation is that they will get a better handle on that in the upcoming days.

    1. A temporary overabundance of enthusiasm isn't a bad thing. It has been a very long time since Will Rogers observed that "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat." What has happened to the Republican Party in our time has been a damn shame; it might benefit from being smashed this year [knocks on wood]. Sometimes organizations of all sorts get so far out of kilter that they cannot be repaired--- they can only be fixed by burning them to the ground and starting over from nice clean ashes.

    2. From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

      Kelter \Kel"ter\, n. [Cf. Gael. & Ir. cealt clothes, Gael.
      cealltair spear, castle, cause, Prov. E. kilter tool,
      instrument. Cf. Kilt.]
      Regular order or proper condition. [Usually written kilter
      in th U. S.] [Colloq., chiefly British spelling]
      [1913 Webster]

      If the organs of prayer be out of kelter or out of
      tune, how can we pray? --Barrow.
      [1913 Webster]

  13. It may not be obvious, but this is about authors.
    Carolin Wรผrfel: East German culture has been ignored for too long. Until we embrace it, our country will remain dangerously divided [Click] Hear, hear! I remember the observation that at the end of WWII East Germany had only Walther Ulbricht and a few potatoes. It took a long time, but West Germany finally began to adopt the polyclinic medical care system of the East. One of the terrible things the West did to the East was to refuse to recognize professional qualifications [e.g. physicians, nurses, engineers, lawyers] earned in the East.

  14. Anton Petrov: Major discoveries about LUCA [the Last Universal Common Ancestor] [Click] It might well be that viruses preceded “life”

  15. It starts as a warm glow in the center of our being, doesn't it? Small wonder the great hope of relieving ourselves of TFG would sweeten your actual dreams.

  16. BERNIE is speaking now at the Convention!!

    1. Bernie is rocking the speech! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘
      And his hair looks incredibly good. LOL

    2. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ BerNIE! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ BerNIE! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ BerNIE! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  17. Via politicalwire.com:
    “Top Democrats scrambled Tuesday to trim the length of key speeches after widespread complaints about Monday night’s long lineup of programming pushing Joe Biden past prime time,” Politico reports.

  18. Home at last. Arrived about 2 pm central time after being up since 6 am European time, which would be 11 pm central. Almost immediately took a 5-hour nap which may have successfully dealt with jet ;ag.

    Nordy asked for my experience. For the first time I attended the business meeting of the World Science Fiction Society, which ran for five hours a day over the full five days of the convention. This is about twice the usual length due to the huge number of proposals intended to deal with the scandal surrounding administration of the Hugo awards at last year's convention in Chengdu, China. I thought most of these proposals were overreaction. Based on what I'd heard about previous business meetings I wasn't surprised at the amount of parlimentary maneuvering by the various sides, even though that had a lot to do with the amount of time we spent. But I think the conclusion was a good one: the proposals were referred to committees that will report at next year's business meeting in Seattle. The committee reports will provide a coherent basis for discussion at a time when emotions have had a chance to cool.

    1. Welcome home, W.A.

  19. Allan Lichtman will make his official prediction of the next President right after Labor Day. [Click] Also has a dandy review of the Democratic Convention’s first day.


    1. P.S.: One thing Lichtman doesn't discuss, although it might come up in his Q&A session (I haven't watched but the beginning of that) is what is happening with women voters. I have the impression that women voters are becoming both progressively more Democratic (or at least Democrat-tolerant) and politically assertive. I shouldn't be surprised if that were to remain under the media radar, with the result of some races going Democratic that currently are expected to go Republican.

    2. Michelle Obama's speech at Convention may have tipped the scale!

  20. Michelle Obama stole the show!!
    Barack Obama was good too, but Michelle's is the speech I want to listen to again!

  21. Replies
    1. Wow! A Canada Lynx! PhD*Son studied them in Maine one year. (We have a photo of him with a big one.). They set out food laced with meds to make them sleepy, so they could examine them and fix up any ailments they might have while they were "out" for about an hour. There was one old lynx who ate the medicated meat repeatedly. (And easy meal and he seemed to like coming to the SPA. LOL)

    2. Wow! The legs on that creature!

  22. If you only watch one speech from the Democratic National Convention, watch this one!
    Michelle Obama's speech

    1. OK; this better be good!
