Thursday, July 18, 2024




  1. Catreona, I appreciated the songs and stories you posted on the Arty Blog!! I wasn't able to find it from my phone because it doesn't show the side list. But, finally, tonight I was able to pop over from my computer.

    Mom is first! ✨❤️✨

    1. Thank you, Listener.

      Did you catch today's morning post, Hostas Chez Catreona [click]? Tomorrow morning, we'll have another flower shot by Sis. Her new phone has a terrific camera.

    2. Yeah, that's a pretty one. I don't find Hostas very kindred, but that one has a great flower.

  2. Maybe Mr. Biden coming down with the coronavirus is a bit much. I am thankful that the Constitution requires the President and VP to come from different states, which should put an end to talk about Gavin Newsom. Harris is the logical next choice for Democratic presidential nominee, and Biden could take on the role of senior statesman. It’s hard to find anything to object to about Gretchen Whitmer [Click], but she has said repeatedly that she intends to serve out her current term as Governor of Michigan. Maybe she could be dragged protesting vigorously into the Vice Presidential nomination. Reflecting on an appropriate home for a senior statesman, I thought of President Lincoln’s cottage at the Soldiers’ Home, but that seems to be in heavy use as a museum. The Naval Observatory is the official VP residence. There ought to be another historic and well protected government house in DC that could serve the purpose. Maybe a commanding General’s or Admiral’s residence on a military base. (Those are pretty easy to recognize; circular driveway, columned portico, sort of a plantation manor house look.)

    1. Have the Dems even considered that the chief reason there is buzz about Biden not being fit for office is that they keep saying so? If they had dropped the question it would have been long gone by now. All they are doing is sowing uncertainty and doubt about the Dem ticket. Oh what fools these mortals be!

    2. Alan, there's Blair House.

      Listener, got it in one!

    3. Thanks for the tip, Cat. The Wikipedia article on Blair House has links to articles on several other DC houses used for visiting dignitaries, some specifically for former Presidents, so no problems. (Presumably there are nowadays elevators built into all of them.)

    4. If the Dems should not renominate Mr. Biden, I will have to reconsider a protest vote, probably Claudia De la Cruz. Not that it will make any difference to who wins California's electoral votes (which makes a protest vote easy). Harris/Whitmer would be OK.

    5. Lord Buckethead, Count Binface, or Vermin Supreme would also be OK, but I don't think any of them will be on the Presidential ballot in California.

    6. And I don't know what I would do with a pony.

    7. What, exactly, is behind the Dems' push to oust Biden? I don't for a moment believe it's truly his age or mental ability. I think there must be some other agenda here.

  3. RIP Bob Newhart
    We'll smile every time we think of you.
    Bob Newhart has died, aged 94

  4. Poliovirus found in Gaza sewage samples [Click] Sewage is often running through the streets due to destruction of infrastructure.

    1. Oh dear God, what next?
      This is just too much.
