Friday, July 19, 2024

Greenhouse Zinnia


  1. I am listening (via NHK) to Trump speaking at the RNC; he frankly sounds like he is intoxicated.

    1. {listener}

      You mean. more than usual?

    2. Yes.

    3. {listener}
      Well, how is Biden looking now, Dems?

  2. I have heard several reports that Biden is close to dropping out. I cannot vouch for their cred, since most use unnamed sources. This is one of several from the Atlantic.

    The end of Biden's candidacy approaches

    At the start of the day yesterday, it was conceivable that Joe Biden might manage to hold on to the Democratic nomination for president. But this morning, things seem to be slipping out of his grasp. --nordy

    1. Will Rogers: "I am not a member of any organized political party; I am a Democrat."

  3. Replies
    1. VERY, VERY GOOD; thanks, Cat. I didn't realize that Professor Lichtman has a YouTube channel, but now I am subscribed to it.

    2. New Anti-Trump Group Releases TV Ad... And It's Diabolical [Click] Can’t say as I agree about it being diabolical.

    3. Psychopathic narcissist
      Narcissistic psychopath
      Same difference

    4. Well, Trump is diabolical anyway.

    5. Actually, the poroper term here is Malignant Narcissist.

  4. Replies
    1. ^^ {listener}

    2. Took them bloody long enough. I've been seeing conflicting "authoritative" reports all day. It's maddening!

      I'm done with the Democrats once and for all. If they do manage to nominate the President,, I'll stick around long enough to cast my vote for him as a Dem. If they don't, I'll change my registration tout suite and write him in as the ultimate protest vote. Either way, they've finally lost me. Prof. Licman is right - they're spineless. They are also stupid and disorganized. They completely squandered and undid all the good Howard did as chair. I'll probably continue to vote predominately Dem because the Greens aren't much of a force, but I am utterly and completely fed up with being associated with those feckless idiots!

  5. Replies
    1. Sounds good to me.

  6. Replies
    1. Oh yeah!

      Don't remember, think it might have been Glenn Kirschner who suggested this would probably happen. I hope the gambit works for Hunter. That would be one in the eye for Her Honor, Judge Aileen Cannon.

    2. Smith is appealing Cannon's ruling, and i hink there is a good chance it will be overturned. If so, it couldn't help H. B.
