Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Frog Fountain at Von Trapp Greenhouse



  1. What do the frogs do in the winter? Burrow into the mud and hibernate until the ice thaws?

    1. {listener}

      Found this online:

      Most frogs survive northern winters by hibernating deep under water, in ponds, lakes and streams—they are cold and dormant but their body temperature never falls below freezing.

      Wood frogs have a different strategy. They hibernate by nestling down into the leafy litter on the forest floor. The leaves, duff and overlying snow give some insulation from extreme cold, but the frogs are not protected from subfreezing temperatures as they would be if they chose the underwater strategy.

      Yet wood frogs have evolved ways to freeze solid for up to eight months each year. They’ve accomplished what would seem to be a biological miracle. How do they pull this off?

      At the beginning of winter, ice quickly fills the wood frog’s abdominal cavity and encases the internal organs. Ice crystals form between layers of skin and muscle. The eyes turn white because the lens freezes.

      At the same time, the wood frog’s liver produces large amounts of glucose that flushes into every cell in its body. This syrupy sugar solution prevents the cells from freezing and binds the water molecules inside the cells to prevent dehydration.

      So on the one hand, the wood frog’s body allows ice to form around the outsides of cells and organs; and on the other hand, it prevents ice from forming inside the cells--thus avoiding the lethal damage suffered by most animals when they freeze.

    2. One learns something every day if one is not careful. I am reminded of the frogs in desert areas who burrow down into the mud and hibernate there during the dry season.

  2. Hey…W.A.! Please check in when you can…

    Around midnight: “Chicago National Weather Service estimated that 10 tornadoes are in progress along a dangerous line of storms moving through the heart of Chicago…”


    1. What listener said! I remember reading about the original Ferris Wheel being struck by a tornado and surviving it without damage.

    2. I see reports and predictions of derechos in the Midwest, and thunderstorms in New England. listener and Cat check in from time to time too!

    3. {listener}

      Local weather info:
      Confirmed tornado IN Chicago metro area late last night. Scary! Severe weather concerns jumps for us today / tomorrow. Wind primary concern.

      Wind expected for me and Cat and possibly nordy this evening.

      You okay, Susan?

    4. The storm sirens went off as I was walking home from the restaurant a bit after nine, but there was never anything more than a bit of lightning here. I was recently talking to someone is a south suburb (Oak Park is west) who did experience a tornado and was just getting power back.

    5. Very glad to hear you fared well, W. A.!

  3. Predicted high here today 99F, nice cool and light wind, reported temperature 69F!

    1. {listener}

      Wow! 69 is decent!!

    2. Very nice, and the breeze continues. 99F here at 4PM, 100F predicted tomorrow. Sure beats 105, let alone 110. I see a report of people on their planes at O'Hare airport as a derecho is passing through and lightning striking, also flooding here and there.

  4. Very Generous School Vouchers Blew a Massive Hole in Arizona’s Budget [Click] And twenty-odd other states have emulated Arizona’s mistake.

    1. Sounds like a case of getting more food for the sheep by feeding the horses more oats.

  5. Replies
    1. {listener}

      I thought this must be Andy Borowitz again!

  6. Susan! I saw this and thought you'd appreciate it too...!

    I don't have a train of thought.
    I have seven trains on four tracks
    that narrowly avoid each other when the paths cross
    and all the conductors are screaming.

  7. The talk last night with Heather Cox Richardson was a pep talk for activists who seek to quell Project 2025.
    It seemed to be directly primarily at women, but I guess that’s because woman stand to lose a LOT under Project 2025. There were excellent resources given as well. If you missed the talk, you can see it at this link.

    click here!

    1. And right here are the Resources!! They call it your Toolkit, for getting the word out about Project 2025.
      Apparently about 70% of the population doesn't know about Project 2025, but the vast majority of Americans don't want what it would force on us. So it's vital to educate folks.

      Tool Kit

    2. * directed (not directly)

    3. There is speculation that Vance's positions on reproductive matters may sink the GOP's electoral ship. I certainly hope so. Men of good will certainly will disapprove; it won't just be women. I have long been of the opinion that the forced birth laws should be called "Rapists' Right To Reproduce" laws. Hmm.... I am reminded of a story I heard a long time ago from a Scots Episcopal priest who was an herbalist and had a wifebeater in his congregation. He took the fellow aside and told him that if he didn't behave he (the priest) would give the wife a tasteless, odorless, colorless material to add to his food that would keep him on the toilet for several days at a time. That evidently did the job. The priest was a big, powerful man, which certainly added to his credibility.

  8. Replies
    1. They all happened in about an hour, too! Lots of power outages, so it may be awhile before we hear from W. A..

  9. Yes, listener! Especially when I want to sleep. *Susan*

  10. My cell phone just got a text "emergency alert" about extreme heat. Yess, it's 97F, although the humitidy is less than 40%

    1. And shortly after returning from the restruant it's 73F ane 91% humidity.

  11. Video: Trump Financial Monitor Issues Report, Recommends Installation of Independent Compliance Officer [Click] Trump’s company seems incapable of producing accurate financial reports.

  12. Shooter's Family on Database used by Trump Campaign [Click] Originally via BBC Channel 4.

  13. Please drop by The Arty Blog - link in list at the left - throughout the day tomorrow. I'll be posting songs that Mom liked and/or that remind me of her.
