Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Blue Delphinium



  1. Biden to Propose Major Supreme Court Changes [Click] Allow me to suggest one SCOTUS member per federal judicial district (13 total).

    1. I sent off another letter to the President.

    2. Way to go, Alan!


    3. WAPO--Two Democratic U.S. senators announced Tuesday that they are seeking a criminal investigation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over gifts of travel, a loan for a recreational vehicle and other benefits he received from wealthy benefactors. --nordy

  2. Delphinium to die for, listener. -- nordy

    1. {listener}

      I knew you’d like that! 😁

      It’s humongous!

  3. I have been thinking this might be a record hot spell, but it’s definitely not. 1918 was a scorcher.
    Hundred degree days in Fresno by year since 1948 [Click] Also earliest, latest, and longest stretches. Can change ZIP code.

    1. Ran it for days over 90 in Seattle. 13 in 2021. --nordy

  4. Via
    Brian Beutler: “Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies. He’s been charged with dozens more. With help from corrupt judges he appointed himself, some of those charges will be dropped, and others have been placed in limbo. But to call him a crook is no longer a subjective assessment of his behavior and character. Several of the charges he’s faced pertain to his theft and concealment of state secrets. He’s shared some of those secrets with foreign nationals and possibly with foreign governments.”

    “Trump will accept his party’s nomination tomorrow. Upon accepting it, Biden should announce that Trump will not be eligible for the courtesy briefings the U.S. intelligence community typically provides to major-party nominees.”

    I concur.

    1. He should. What's the betting that he will? Personally, I'm on the no side, but would be happy to be proved wrong.

    2. Even better: They should give him totally bogus courtesy briefings then watch to see who begins acting on them.

  5. Call to return 700-year-old comb to Jedburgh Abbey [Click] Wow! “Such richly carved combs, known as liturgical combs, were used by priests to purify their hair before taking Mass.” It looks to me like the fine side of the comb would remove nits, certainly a type of purification.

  6. Underground cave found on moon could be ideal base for explorers [Click] Presumably a lava tube, and one of many. Presumably they are probably present on Mars as well.

  7. "Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who is running for U.S. Senate in California, is calling for President Biden to drop out of the presidential race, he said in an exclusive statement Wednesday to the Los Angeles Times." I wrote a letter to Schiff's campaign explaining that was a second good reason for me not to vote for him. The first reason is that his campaign web site evidently only accepts e-mail from the press (which link I used) and those who give him money. Love my money, love me. Granted that I can't pay tens of kilobucks for a plate of dinner, I have just as many votes as anyone who can.

    1. Is it too late to start a write-in campaign against him? It probably couldn't stop him being elected, but it might dent his margin of victory enough to catch his attention.

      Actually, I was thinking this should be done in every congressional district and senate race where the candidate called for Biden to step aside, but there didn't seem to be much point posting about my idea on Facebook. I'm the opposite of an influencer. I post something, and it immediately sinks into the void.

    2. In California, for a long time now, whomever or whatever the national Democratic Party nominates wins the state's electoral votes. The Republican Party has, on a statewide basis, descended into irrelevance. People have said for quite a while that the future starts in California, and in that respect I hope it is true. The rightward shift of the GOP began somewhat sooner, but I became aware of it around 1965. As the GOP shifted to the right, Democrats occupied that part of the political spectrum they used to inhabit. There were some notable Republican politicians who stayed right where they were, and changed their party affiliation to Democratic.

  8. Sounds to me like the employees need to take over the company before the brass get too cozy with Trump.

    MSNBC Reportedly Facing Mutiny After 'Morning Joe' Debacle - Click

    1. "Labor is the source of all wealth." Given that it is so inexpensive to set up an online news channel these days, things could become interesting, no?

    2. Decamp en masse, taking their loyal viewership and attendent ad revenue with them? I like it.

  9. I was poking around the Internet and finding altogether too much political stuff, when I stumbled across a free comic movie, from 1939 . . . "Ask a Policeman" Starring Will Hay, Moore Marriott & Graham Moffatt [Click]

  10. Replies
    1. I dare say that he will be treated with antibodies (as Trump evidently was), and not incapacitated.

    2. Yes, but he has to self-isolate, which is counter-productive for campaigning. It's his second bout of Covid.

    3. Look at it this way: It gives him a well deserved rest, especially from those goddamned turncoats in his own party. Word is, Pelosi has been behind the "oust Biden, replace him with Nusom" thing all along. My initial reaction to that little tidbit was unprintable. My second reaction was, if she thinks that, she's not as savvy as she thinks she is! A bit too big for her britches, that one. And all those who have jumped on the dump Biden bandwagon need to be severely disciplined. But, they won't be, because Biden is neither a dictator nor a tyrant.

    4. The buzz is that the Dems are at it again ... trying force Biden out. They can't even give him a few days rest to recover from Covid. Here we imagined that it would be the GOP that would end Democracy; but it's beginning to look like it's the DNC. That wouldn't happen if Howard were chairing the DNC.

    5. My personal opinion is that Newsom is NOT presidential timber; if he were to be nominated, he would be hammered for his various errors of judgment over the years. Again in my opinion Harris is not yet presidential timber, although she might get there with another four years' tutelage by Biden. I believe Pelosi reached her apogee as Speaker of the House, and should fade away into the sunset.
