Tuesday, April 23, 2024

At the Marina

 Look closely...
third mast from the left is a black mast and that's Loch Nest!


  1. {listener}
    Forsooth, we are implored this day to speak in the tongue of the great Bard!

  2. Oops-- it seems I was not patient enough for the post to be accepted.

  3. Reading about the unpleasantness of TFG's flatulence in the courtroom, it occurred to me to wonder if that might be associated with excessive consumption of diet soda. I easily found numerous reports of that on the Internet.

    1. Makes sense to me. He has long been known to maintain an unhealthy diet. I mean, it's like anything else. If you're gonna drink soda pop, drink the real thing*, not low grade imitations.

      Note: I purposely did not capitalize the real thing, being a Pepsi person myself.

  4. Send in the zapperons!

  5. Alan, it is not just gas. His fecal incontinence has been talked about since the 1980's. He was always alleged to constantly snort ground-up Adderall and, as a consequence, has no control over his bowels. When he sued the author who interviewed him for a book (suing to get control of the tapes) the author said he normally wouldn't say anything. But, he said, since trump sued him he would say that trumps' Depends did not have an effective scent barrier. Trump is not a POS. HE IS THE WHOLE SHIZ.-Susan

    1. I never heard of such a side effect of Adderall, but there are a lot of things I have never heard of. It is clear that he does not pursue a gut-healthy diet.

  6. Supreme Court Turns to Emergency Abortions [Click] Gee, who could possibly foreseen that this might be a problem? Or that it might have political ramifications? LET GO OF THE BUMPER, FIDO!

  7. Records suggest that prosecutors in California excluded Jewish and Black jurors. [Click]

    P.S.: Doesn't surprise me one bit--- there are other types of apparent misbehavior in the courts up there as well. I was very glad to escape from having to testify in one of those counties.

  8. {listener}

    In just 2 hours on the stand, Pecker establishes key points in prosecution's case
    From CNN's Katelyn Polantz

    In fewer than two hours on the stand in total, David Pecker already has established crucial key points that are likely important for prosecutors in proving their case to the jury.

    Those include:

    The "mutually beneficial relationship" between Trump and the National Enquirer
    Trump was "cautious" and "frugal" in his handling of money — so much so he personally reviewed invoices and signed checks, as Pecker testified that he witnessed Trump do in person
    Trump and Michael Cohen's contact with Trump increased significantly once Trump began running for president, though their relationship went back years
    Trump, Cohen and Pecker had an in-person meeting in August 2015 where the agreement was generally made: Pecker would be "eyes and ears" of Trump's 2016 campaign and notify Cohen if women selling negative stories about Trump emerged, he has testified to the jury. Cohen could then find a way to kill the story. This is much of the mechanics of the Stormy Daniels and other hush money pay-offs and "catch and kill" schemes in 2016 for Trump, of which prosecutors say led to Trump falsifying his payments to Cohen and his business ledger.
    How key Cohen was to Trump's attempts to manipulate media coverage during the 2016 campaign

    1. This sort of reality TV appeals to me.

  9. Replies
    1. Good. thanks for the link.

  10. Baltimore bridge collapse: city says ship was ‘unseaworthy’ before leaving port [Click] Unbridgeworthiness and lack of tugboats just might be factors too, no?

  11. A fresh look at Stone circles [Click] Hmph. Could be, I suppose.

  12. Replies
    1. They seem to think it would be problematic; I think they need to read about the imprisonment of Jefferson Davis at Fort Monroe. What worked in 1865 should work just fine in 2024.

  13. Thanks, Cat! I was so seldom near my computer today.
    Boat work underway!

  14. Isolated for six months, scientists in Antarctica began to develop their own accent

    Very cool story!
    A friend of mine's spouse does scientific research in Antarctica. I'll have to inquire if he was in this group.

    1. It seems perfectly natural, albeit rather quick.
