Monday, January 22, 2024

Weather Report



  1. 🧸 I heard from Cooter tonight. puddle's potassium has normalised, and her oxygen levels are fine, but she's having labored breathing and some difficulty speaking...generally weak. He will talk with the doctor again tomorrow. I sincerely hope they solve this mystery soon. Meanwhile, TV is a good distraction when the nurses remember to leave the control within her reach...which is also the nurse call button! I suggested a note be placed in her chart. He said there's a dry erase board in her room for concerns or questions...but no dry erase pen. So I guess he'll be getting one. Tonight he watched the Chiefs-Bills game with puddle. He's being so great. Please keep puddle in your thoughts, send good vibes, offer prayers and hold her in the Light. ✨

    1. Reckon she will perk up before long; sure hope so. Radiating good thoughts.

  2. Note the original date on the cartoon out front!

  3. Still yestere'en here; in the afternoon the clouds burnt off, the sun came out, and it was definitely warmer than the previous day. We filled up the green-top wheelie trash bin with cuttings. The front yard is pruned, but the weedy grasses are nearly out of control again. Weather prediction is for light rain tomorrow (Monday).

  4. Light rain this morning. Haven't yet checked to see how much it is raining on TFG's parade.

  5. Heather Cox Richardson via Talking Points Memo: Is Dobbs today’s equivalent of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? [Click] Includes an Abraham Lincoln quote with which I was not familiar.

  6. Talking Points Memo: Carroll Is Still Whacking Trump Like A Piñata: E. Jean Carroll told the judge over the weekend that she will be introducing new evidence of Trump continuing to defame her while the trial is underway.

    1. From four days ago: Trump's comments about E. Jean Carroll caused up to $12.1 million in reputational damage, expert tells jury [Click] I like the plaintiff’s attorney’s opening statement that the award should be enough to deter such behavior by Trump in the future.

  7. Replies
    1. And send them a bill for it?

  8. I'm going to collect all our messages to puddle and send them to her as an email...and tell Cooter to look for it. He can read them to her and she'll be more aware of our caring.
