Sunday, January 14, 2024

Model Train

We took Grandson to see this recently and he turns 8 today!


  1. Lost spacial orientation yesterday getting up, spatted myself on bedroom floor---bruises, scrapes. No broken bones. Got up and slowly went downstairs; afternoon tried to go upstairs, couldn't . Stayed up late, 2, decided to sleep sitting on the couch. Don't think it was a stroke--seen too many of them, not enough deficits. Woke around light--on the floor, looking at lint from an inch perspective. Went back to sleep, rinse repeat. Cooter got here mid afternoon. Tried to help me up, couldn't. Finally called 911. Before they came we, discussed possibilities. Both of think it's not possible for me to live to live alone any more. I'm gonna see my doc, leave later, probably Monday or Tuesday.
    Looks it'll be in some sort of assisted living. When he sees what's there, we can choose together. Meanwhile, temporarily, I'll be living with my ex, who'll be 97 in September.

    I'm living with some surreal calm. More strange is a sense of okay. Gotta do what has to be done, no sense making anyone miserable. Even more oddly, I'm, curious as Hell!

    1. ✨💛❤️💛✨
      Ah, puddle, thank you for telling how this chapter of your story got started. It’s a big step and so good that it comes with a sense of peace, which surely makes the decision and the doing easier to embrace. What a remarkable human you are! Proud to know you. Love you so much! 🥰

    2. One thing I love about cyberspace is that you get to keep us with you when you move!

    3. Thanks, puddle. Sounds OK, considering. I have found the DIY treatments for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo are of limited effectiveness. I keep a cane to hand, leaned up against the headboard of our bed so that I am not likely to knock it over when reaching for it. I don't have much call for it, but do once in a while, particularly when getting out of bed. It's the old fashioned kind, wood with a curved handle and a single rubber-tipped foot (which I bought years and years ago because it was cheap). That seems to work better for me than the modern kind with multiple feet and a straight handle at a right angle to the shaft. Just sayin'. So glad to hear from you, and that it's not something more serious.
      ----Alan [Who finds himself wondering how a nice wizard's staff would work for him, instead of a cane . . . ]

    4. Thanks for checking in, Puddle. You're a lot braver than I am. Wherever you end up, you'll take your kitty with you, right?

  2. Heather Cox Richardson on the drowning deaths of a mother and two children crossing the Mexican border

    TX Gov Greg Abbot and Eagle Pass TX Mayor Salinas are murderers and deserve to be declared so by SCOTUS and sent to prison for these deaths
    My words {listener}

    1. How the issue is dealt with elsewhere…

      Four migrants die trying to cross English Channel in boat


    2. The English Channel is far more dangerous to cross than the Rio Grande. Consider the case of The White Ship, [Click] that happened long, long before The Channel became one of the busiest passages on the planet.

  3. Making lists--meds, docs, foods; mapping pain, clothes; purse. Cooter's out burning trash while it's light. Fair amount of pain--took about an hour to get out of bed; face and legs swollen and blue. No accidents for almost 24 hours.

    1. I, too, appreciate you keeping us informed. I was going to suggewt you may not need what is technically called "assisted living" (help with bathing and dressing), but I could be wrong.

    2. I like the sound of "no accidents in 24 hours." Not so keen on all that swelling and blue colouring. I'm relieved you're going to get it all checked out. Chances are they can do some things to help you feel better. Counting on your or Cooter to keep us informed. Please tell him he's welcome here any time, too. [That's how I got to know Brenda Jane, when she was helping Shirlee!]

    3. Bill, if I'm somewhere with running water, I can bathe alone and dress slowly. . .Have lived for the past 25 years with walking rather than running water--Cooter has recycled my composting toilet for me for 15 years. I know from my time in home care that there are several levels of home care/attention.


    5. What Bill and Alan said!

    6. Puddle: The Definitions i am using may be specific to Illinois, but a senior facility that provides food and housekeeping is still considered Independent rather than assisted living. I'll be looking for something like that once our cat is gone,

  4. On the way home from visiting with friends this afternoon, we had a good look at the mountains---best display of snow we have seen in a long time, from crest down through foothills.

    1. It's good to know there's good news somewhere.
