Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Got Seeds?



  1. Comments on Iowa GOP primary votes at the end of the previous thread.

    1. Excuse me, "primary" should read "caucus." Wondering how the vote might have gone in Podunk, I was moved to look up its Wikipedia entry. [Click]

  2. Long read: The tyranny of the algorithm: why every coffee shop looks the same [Click] “From the generic hipster cafe to the ‘Instagram wall’, the internet has pushed us towards a kind of global ubiquity – and this phenomenon is only going to intensify”

  3. Guardian report on the cold US weather— WOW. [Click] Can’t complain here; cool and overcast, very light fog and no wind. Hope everyone here is OK.

    1. We're fine here. Temps expected to dip into single digits over the weekend, with wind chills in the minus temps, but that's nothing unusual for this time of year. I'd rather see two weeks of -20 and some wind chills, to be honest....so we can get that box checked off.

  4. From Talking Points Memo

    Not An Anomaly

    Donald Trump is on the verge of becoming the GOP nominee for the presidency for the third straight election. What might have seemed like a historical blip in 2016 that was remedied by Trump’s general election defeat in 2020 is now an eternal black mark on the Republican Party.

    Hijacked by Trump, purged of its traditional middle-of-the-road corporate conservatives, and transformed into a cult of personality, the Republican Party is unrecognizable as the party of Lincoln. Gone are the Bushes, Cheneys, and Romneys. In are the worst group of scoundrels, hacks, hangers-on, and would-be authoritarians this nation has ever seen.

    Whatever quaint and out-dated notions remained that Iowa’s Midwestern conservatism and its rural and highly educated populace would serve as an important early filter in the nominating process can be put to rest.

    A majority of Iowa Republican caucus-goers went for Trump after the travesties of the Trump presidency: the failed response to the COVID pandemic, the indignity of losing to Joe Biden, and the insurrection at the Capitol, among so many others.

  5. I posted on the previous thread, but Blogger deleted, that the total number of Iowa Republican caucus voters was only about 110,000--- barely enough for a medium-sized city. Total of registered Republicans is 752,000. Trump's 56,000 is less than underwhelming IMO, but it is fair for him to exaggerate its significance for political purposes.

    1. Per Wikipedia: “Since 1972, the Iowa caucuses have had a 55% success rate at predicting which Democrat, and a 43% success rate at predicting which Republican, will go on to win the nomination of their political party for president at that party's national convention.” So basically a coin toss. Among Republican winners have been Bob Dole, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Ted Cruz.

      Registered Voters: 2,083,979
      Democratic Party: 631,689 (30.31%)
      Republican Party: 718,901 (34.50%)
      Third Party/Other: 18,289 (0.90%)
      Unaffiliated: 715,100 (34.31%)

  6. Online comment about the question of whether or not Trump will be laid in state in the Capitol:
    "It's a question which will need to be answered at some point fairly soon. Maybe sooner than anyone expects. Somewhere out there lurks a deadly Fatburger (Fatberder?) with his name on it."

    1. He would be better laid in state at the bottom of the sea, IMNSHO.

  7. Exchange of the Day [Click]

    Nikki Haley was interviewed by Dana Bash on CNN:

    BASH: How do you feel about your party’s frontrunner being found liable for sexual abuse?

    HALEY: First of all, I haven’t paid attention to his cases and I’m not a lawyer. All I know is he’s innocent until proven guilty

    1. The world construes according to its wit.

  8. But he WAS proven quilty. This is the Republican hypocrisy writ large. (Susan)

    1. He's also guilty.
      (Honest slip from you, Susan.🥰)

      And thanks for giving me a smile. I am sitting here nauseous and think this won't end well tonight. Heh. No idear why I might be ill. I haven't been anywhere.

    2. UPDATE: I was correct. It didn't end well.
      Going to sleep in the Studio tonight to spare Wil.

  9. [Video] Wow! First day of E. Jean Carroll damages trial. [Click] Jeez. Would a billion dollar award be enough to shove a sock into Trump’s mouth?

    1. Trump has said repeatedly that he is a multi-billionaire; he ought to be able to spare one of those billions without any great hardship---which should mark the starting point for discussion. IMO.

  10. On the train. Five hours late leaving Boston, so this should be 3 pm. Boston had heavy snow in the morning, but it stopped around noon. Heading to Chicago, where tomorrow's predicted high is 8F. I think I'll take a taxi home.

    1. Good idea. Ideally a half-track taxi. With independent heat source.

    2. I think the snow will have been cleared, at least on the expressways and in Oak Park. Probably in Chicago too. People remember Bilandic.

    3. {listener}
      Safe travels, W.A.!

  11. Replies
    1. ^^ {listener}

    2. There have been other such reports [e.g. from NASA] of late; I expect it to happen sooner rather than later.

    3. I do hope so! I would LOVE a 2-door electric Mini Cooper that can go at least 300 miles on one charge, or fully recharge at a 10 minute pit stop!

  12. {listener}

    I dearly hope we hear from puddle soon. ❤️

    1. I second the motion, but must assume that no new is so-so news.

  13. Replies
    1. {listener}
      Thanks, Alan. We had it in, but I missed it, being occupied elsewhere at the time. (Ref. my 1:59am post upthread.)

    2. ^^ * in = on

