Saturday, January 13, 2024

Snow Laced



  1. Replies
    1. Late if anything, IMO.

    2. Personally, I never stopped masking on leaving the house, though the dentist and the mammography clinic have made masking optional for patients.

  2. First Barbie then … Boglins? My quest to find a superstar in my bag of old toys [Click] Interesting because it is almost completely foreign to me. I had a Howdy Doody doll I played with for a bit, but not long, and I hardly remember it.

    1. Interesting. Just realised I can't recall a single toy I had as a kid.

  3. We've just come through Round Two of high winds.
    Had wind gusts to 67mph this morning whereas we had 69mph in the first round. Looks like just two more medium sized white pine branches down in the driveway; multiple last time. Most significantly, we did not lose power overnight; last time we lost power twice.

  4. 44F and light rain here (1 PM).

  5. Our forecast high today if 55. We've had periods of fog, light rain and brilliant sun. Quite the mixed bag. Apparently it rained last night, but the forecast storm didn't materialize AFAIK. At any rate, the power didn't go out, as the power company said it would. Not complaining!

  6. Dear Ones,
    Everybody please hold puddle in your hearts and send all the best vibes to her and to her wonderful son who helps her all the time. I've just received an email from him letting me know that he arrived and she was on the floor, unable to get up just yet. He said he doesn't think he will be leaving the place without her, and asked for prayers for wisdom. Sounds like they could both use some strength and wise discernment right now. Thanks, mightily!

    1. I'll update when I hear more. I gave him my phone number incase it might help for me to talk with her. I love this woman so much!

    2. Sending prayers, good vibes and love.

    3. Oh, my. I dare not ask Heaven for more than I have received throughout my life without any question of whether or not I deserve it, but I very deeply hope to hear good news, and soon.

    4. Many old people don't know how to get up by themselves if they should fall. I hope that is all it is.

  7. Okay, so while we're all waiting for word on how puddle is faring, I have a blast from the past to share.

    It was 20 years ago this month that Howard Dean was campaigning at the Iowa Caucuses.
    Do you recall how concerned we were becoming about his lack of security detail? I sure do.
    I was volunteering at HQ and a number of us felt a growing concern for his safety, as he was doing so well on the campaign trail. It wasn't until Iowa that I saw the largest issues were with his fellow Democrats and their campaigns.

    Anyway, hang onto your hats...

    1. Email from myself to Eldest kid. I was, at the time, the same age he is now...!
      He had just sent me an encouraging blog article about Howard Dean's campaign.


      THANK YOU!
      I have forwarded the blog article on to a half dozen friends!
      AND! Former Senator Bill Bradley (who opposed Gore) is endorsing Dean!! A good sign of party unity under weigh!
      Last night I had a quite vivid dream…so vivid that I can still recall the details in a photo in a newspaper I was reading in the dream! It was pretty awful. I dreamed that an hour after the Iowa Debate, Dean had a heart attack and died..! (From having to hold in so much?) I half woke up twice during the dream, and even told myself it must be a dream, but at that juncture Dad [Wil] and [Youngest] showed up to show me the newspaper with the story. The front page of the Free Press had NO headline at all, just photos of Dean supporters prior to the news…wearing tee shirts, riding bikes, etc. The second page told the story. Weird! It was such a relief to wake up really and find that it was just a dream!
      Your blog email was very comforting to read. We need this to go well SOOO MUCH that I guess I’m facing my worst fears at night! Any word lately on when they’ll be stepping up Dean’s security? I am apparently growing in concern about his safety, since there are so many crooked minds in the Bush camp.
      Well, there it is.
      That’s all for now. ( ! ) Love, Mom

    2. Twenty years ago? Holy smokes!

    3. Eldest's response:

      > AND! Former Senator Bill Bradley (who opposed Gore) is endorsing Dean!! A good sign of party unity under weigh!

      True thing!

      > Last night I had a quite vivid dream…

      Argh! That’s bad. Isn’t it amazing how much stuff your brain can come up with? Right up to manufacturing a newspaper article and pictures to convince you it happened! Kind of depressing how little of our brainpower we seem to have access to on a regular basis. Hopefully you’re not developing a penchant for premonitions. :-)

      Not sure about the security. I don’t think it’s particularly good right now. I walked into HQ the day of the photo op a few weeks ago. It was a madhouse, as you might expect, and I just signed in and said I was a volunteer. I got in line for the picture and no one noticed me until I got to the front of the line. Susan Elliott was introducing each person to the Governor who would say thanks for helping the campaign and then we’d pose for the picture. She blanked on my name, which I told her as the previous person was getting their picture done, and then she introduced me. So while they did have a person handling the line who would at least recognize everyone who was invited to get a picture done, I got about 10 feet away with no effort. If I’d been an assassin or something it would have been cake to take a couple steps past her. So no, I’d say security is pretty bad right now. They did add some controls recently to the process of getting into the office and getting signed in, etc., but that’s pretty easy to get past that in a hectic moment.

      Now sure how it is on the campaign trail. The event I attended at the Sheraton in September was pretty lax too. There was no screening of the crowd whatsoever. You walk up to a table and get a ticket, but they didn’t issue any badges or check IDs or anything. There was nothing to stop you from walking past the table and going into the ballroom without checking in. The staff couldn’t tell, since people came and went before the event got going. Since Dean is almost always surrounded by a large number of supporters and staff, it would be somewhat harder to get away with a “hand-to-hand” type of attack. You could do it, but forget about escaping afterwards. It would more likely be a JFK or MLK type of event (shooting from some distance) vs. a McKinley or RFK (up close) if it happens. Actually, my leading theory is a plane crash, like the ones that killed Senators Wellstone and Carnahan in recent years. Accidents? Perhaps. Convenient that they happened just a couple weeks before tight elections that could determine the balance of power in the Senate.

      I think he should seek Secret Service protection ASAP. I think the campaign has to pay for it until he becomes the official nominee in July, but Dean can afford it. The campaign claims they have security for him and we shouldn’t worry about it, but I see little evidence of that.

    4. I know, right, Cat?! Two whole decades ago. Amazing. A lot has happened since then, eh?

    5. And yet, I can remember as if it were yesterday coming out of voting on Election Day 2004 and feeling guilty for voting for Kerry instead of writing in Dean. It’s very vivid in my mind. Much more so than yesterday, as a matter of fact. Can’t remember much about yesterday at all. But I also remember very vividly watching the returns on Election Night and Pat Buchanan was busily totting up the states Gore needed. I must have fallen asleep around midnight, and it looked for sure like Gore was going to win. When I woke up about 8:00 the next morning, the TV was saying Bush had won. I can remember very clearly the sense of utter disbelief. Nothing seemed real. At some point during the day I went to the Blog for America to find someone to talk to, to find some sort of comfort. A great many things have happened since, as you said, but most of them have left no trace whatsoever on my mind.

    6. I wrote letters to so many people in Iowa that my right hand was not just sore, but beginning to get numb.

    7. Eldest and Daughter were really perplexed about why the press made a big deal and called what Howard had said the "Dean Scream." They were in the room and could barely hear him over the crowd. Of course, we all now know that he was using a noise cancellation microphone and the press coverage really was ridiculous and unfair (and they ought to know better, as they know about microphones). But Eldest and Daughter we also really bummed that it hadn't gone better in Iowa for Howard. They had worked so hard. Daughter spoke so eloquently for Dean at her own caucus in Maine that he won Kennebunk & Kennebunkport (they caucus together). But we saw how quickly things unraveled and I truly blame the other Dem campaigns, as they were ruthless. That is what made me leave the Dem party and just call myself and Independent. I wish we could all just hear all the candidates and vote ~ and skip having political parties and an Electoral College.

  8. Trump Ghostwriter Shares Trump Secrets with Michael Cohen [Click] An hour long; in time it gets into a lot of amateur psychoanalysis (which is in my opinion well worth while).

  9. On the phone with puddle now. I'll update when we're done. Soon.

    1. puddle sounds good. Just lost balance. Scott is going to take her to get checked out at a hospital. She's taking her computer with her, so she'll probably check in herself at some point. But, hey, she's still ticking!

    2. I'm not sure when they're heading out. Maybe tomorrow?
      Have to figure out about puddle's kitty too, because kitty is afraid of everyone but her.
      But some life changes may be coming...and puddle is ready. She's quite a remarkable person, y'know?!
      Love her so much!!

    3. Whew!

    4. How to get up safely by oneself after a fall. [Click] YouTube
      This counts as a life skill.

    5. Well, puddle had issues with balance. I believe she'll explain sometime soon.

    6. Interesting video about ways to get up after a fall. One other way to get up is to wear a call button you can press and helpers will arrive to assist you. A dear friend of mine fell, then got a call button and it saved her twice. She lives to be 98.5 years young.

    7. We have an elderly friend who is often by herself at home, and got a call button. It's a good idea.
