Monday, November 06, 2023

Does it solve stress or cause stress?



  1. One wonders what else might be in the same [cook?] book!

  2. It has seemed to me lately that Donald Trump has been behaving in a frankly insane manner on the on the campaign trail. I had him pegged as senile when he first ran for President, and very recently Mary Trump said that Alzheimer's Disease runs in the family. It clearly affected his father, but I find no reports of it among his other relatives (several of whom died young by today's standards). I wonder if a judge might order a psychiatric evaluation.

  3. Aha! A useful new (to me) word!

    From an online thread re Trump’s court appearance today:
    I think [Trump is] fucked ("munted" down under in Aussie lingo).

    Munted = Ruined, spoiled; damaged; destroyed (of a person) extremely tired, exhausted. 2. British, Australian, and New Zealand.

    1. under the influence or alcohol or drugs
    Example: they have constant issues with drivers turning up munted
    2. badly damaged; ruined
    Example: work to remove the munted footbridge—an icon of the Canterbury earthquakes—is to begin this week

    Wikipedia article [Click]


    1. {listener}

      This is very helpful. We are definitely in a time that we do not have words for. We need help from anyone who has a word that fits!

  4. The Atlantic: A Winter of Low COVID Vaccination Will Probably Seem Fine [Click] “Until we start to see the longer-term consequences of missed shots”

    1. {listener}

      My mail lady has been out for a week and a half with Covid.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Cat; I had been looking forward to such news, but had been absorbed in other things.

    2. {listener}

      A malignant narcissist cannot back down; and when cornered will go ballistic. Intimidation usually works for him. He’s in for a big surprise.

  6. I think the diet both causes and relieves stress. The "healty," minimal breakfast and lunch induce stress. this leads to the stress-relieving overindulgence in afternoon snacks and dinner.

  7. Trump Lawyer Gets YELLED AT by Judge, Whines to Media [Click] BIZZARRO! [IMHO]

    Defeated Trump sulks out of courtroom, testimony went horribly for him [Click] What! We don’t have any ice cream in the freezer?! No ice cream drumsticks?!


    1. I had to eat a piece of Snowflake Chocolates.

    2. ^ {listener}

  8. Wow! trump did a crappy job on his makeup! Stopped well short of his ear and is very obvious. (Susan)

    1. Maybe he stiffed his makeup artist?

    2. Unkind fellow that I am, I continue to wonder what sort of hair stylist the prison will provide for him.

      Oh, and one hospital where I used to work had a fair number of patients from the nearby state prison; some of them had really artistic tattoos. Think he might get some to fit in?

    3. {listener}

      Roflmeo!! 🤣

  9. Captain in Santa Barbara Islands boat fire found guilty of ‘seaman’s manslaughter’ [Click]
    I once had a case involving the drowning death of a boat crew member; OSHA regulations didn’t apply, but rather the far older Admiralty Code.
