Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Welcome, June!


  1. The first January 6th Committee hearing is scheduled for Thursday, June 9th during evening Prime Time!

  2. SUSAN! If you see this today, please say a prayer and send me sanity vibes, as I'm putting the batting into a Queen sized quilt today. I don't like doing the binding thing, so I always sew up three sides, put in the batting, baste it in place then quilt and sew up the last side with a slip stitch. Of course, I am usually making baby quilts. I will literally be inside the quilt today, laying in the batting. LOL! I have learned to do it when I have the whole house to myself, so fortunately there won't be a photo of that endeavour. 😡‍πŸ’« Everybody wish me luck! (I'm gonna need it!!) πŸ˜‚

    1. Oh, listener! I wish I had understood what you are doing earlier. You are doing it the hardest possible way. Although your quilt is large I think you might be able to use the pillowcase finish technique. There are several examples, but the videos are too dang long. You're probably already buried in batting and sweating like crazy, but here...

    2. Crud. I clicked the link and it won't take you there. Just google "pillowcase quilt finish" and maybe you can find something that will help, and it will certainly be easier than what you are describing! Too bad I don't live in VT. I could help.

    3. Thank you, Susan. I would *LOVE* to have you here today!! I watched a pillowcase quilt finish video, and I like how it would hold the batting in place so well. But there isn't any way I could physically manage a Queen Size batting and two layers of fabric and sew all that with a machine. I absolutely detest machine sewing ~ and I only use my beloved, gorgeous treadle! I just finished sewing the three sides together, anyway, so that die is cast. Now I have to scrutinise my stitches, fix a few places where I went off the mark, then trim all the seams and threads. THEN I can put the batting in. I have safety pins to use to hold it in place, as I go, then can baste as needed. THEN I take at least two weeks off before I pick it up again! Ha! Keep the vibes coming. I'll need it. 🀣

      PS: This is the very first time I have put in a batting since we got the heat pumps. That means the room will at least be cool when I do the deed. Yay!! (I still expect to need a shower afterwards. πŸ˜†). BTW, your understanding and commiseration helps more than you know!! πŸ’–

      The process of putting the batting into the quilt took nearly 4 hours. I got slowed down by somehow having inches more batting lengthwise than I thought I'd cut. But too much sure beats too little! The two things that saved the story are having put set the heat pumps for 66ΒΊF and using safety pins to basically "tie off" the quilt until I can get the hand quilting done. ❤️ Thanks again for the encouragement, Susan!! πŸ‘

    5. "having put set" should read "having set"

  3. The decade that broke Britain: the disastrous decisions that left millions in a cost of living crisis [Click] Small wonder that the Conservative and Labour parties' combined share of the UK national vote has declined so markedly in recent times.   Reminds me of my opinion that the New Democrats are far too much like the Old Republicans.


    1. Yes, the New Democrats are intentionally more than a bit similar to the moderate wing of the Old (pre-Gingrich) Republicans. That's probably what was called for 15-20 years ago.

  4. How Powering with Atmospheric Electricity Works [Click] Not a very good explanation of the corona motor, but it led me to look up Electrostatic Motor [Click] on Wikipedia; it turns out that they were first invented in the 18th Century by Andrew Gordon and Benjamin Franklin. Interesting!
    Very good news from Eastern Europe! Poland, with infrastructure assistance from EU, will provide grain export facilities for Ukraine. [Click]

  5. Alan, I have a question. When you have a minute, please check your email.
