Friday, September 03, 2021

It's time for Mums



  1. David Frum: Texas Republicans Got What They Wanted. They Might Regret It. [Click] “Until now, Republicans have had a lucrative, no-risk way to rail against abortion. But accountability is coming.”

    1. Hopefully the Supreme Court Justices will regret it as well because calls for expansion of the Court are increasing.

    2. Josh Marshall: SCOTUS Delenda Est [Click]

      If the current nine justices are insufficient to handle cases in the normal way and of necessity resort to a system of covert decisions, obviously they need some help. Thirteen would be a nice number.

  2. I just posted photos through mid-September.
    And now to sleep, perchance to dream.

  3. This is the logical outcome of a party that, some decades back, looked at an increasingly non-white country and decided to try to suppress the votes of people of color rather than win them. Not just the Democratic party but democracy is their enemy. In this system in which some animals are more equal than others, some have the right to determine the truth more than others, and facts, science, history are likewise fetters to be shaken loose in pursuit of exactly your very own favorite version of reality, which you enforce through dominance, including outright violence."

  4. Got my latest Covid test result back and its Negative. Yay! That means we may visit the rest of the unvaccinated grands this Sunday! Whoo hoo!!

    1. Did they use the new kinder and gentler roto-rooter?

    2. Yeah, it's DIY with a Q-tip.

  5. Replies
    1. So, money converted into stocks is effectively removed from circulating in the economy. In comabination with Congressional rationing that leads to stagnation, which has not been as bad as it could be because of a growing shadow economy. Increasingly, the trade of real goods and services has moved into the underground. Indeed, even the experts admitted that the 2008 crash was prevented from being a major depression by the shadow economy.
      That said, it now seems increasingly obvious that the accumulation of large quantities of money is detrimental because spending takes more time than anyone expected. it took the banks nine months to distribute less than 10% of the dollars they were allocated to counter the penademic. Deprivation cannot simply be reversed by turning on the cash spigot. Even households are not spending as expected. They are using the extra dollars to retire credit card debt. Which means the banks are not getting !6% on credit cards.
      People are not stupid. The news that mortgage rates are now down to 1.7% tells them that 16.0% is irrational. Banking will never be the same. Which is why Bezos is not pushing Amazon tokens.

  6. Zeno’s Abortion Ban [Click] “One notable thing about a nakedly political Supreme Court majority is that a handful of legal academics, wholly cocooned from everyday life, aren’t terribly adept at politics.”
    Democrats Will Hold Hearings On Supreme Court’s Use Of Shadow Docket [Click]

  7. The strange race to track down a missing billion years [Click] Ain’t nobody leavin’ dis room until we find dem missin’ billion years.

    Me, I'm going to get our raisin drying tables ready for this year's crop.

  8. Oh, joy--and with the Labor Day weekend upon us.

    Hospital capacities across the San Joaquin Valley, from Stockton in the north to Bakersfield in the south, have triggered a health order for “surge protocols” to deal with a shortage of intensive-care unit beds in the 12-county region.

    The California Department of Public Health announced Friday that the order was activated because, on a region-wide basis, less than 10% of adult ICU beds were available for new severely ill patients for three straight days. From Friday through at least Sept. 9, hospitals in Calaveras, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Benito, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tulare and Tuolumne counties must accept transfer patients from other hospitals if they have available ICU beds.

    “If there is no ICU bed capacity within the region, then all general acute care hospitals in the state of California must accept transfer patients when clinically appropriate” and when directed by state emergency medical service officials, the surge order proclaims.

    The health order by Dr. Tomás Aragón, California’s state public health officer and director of the state Department of Public Health, was issued in mid-August in anticipation that hospital capacities in different parts of the state could be threatened by a continuing surge in new COVID-19 cases and resulting hospitalizations.

  9. How South Lake Tahoe was saved from the Caldor Fire [Click] “For a decade, [South Lake] Tahoe has been building a defense to save its neighborhoods from wildfires exactly like this one.”


    From the article: "The Texas governor and legislatures are taking the state back to the 1950s, when people of color were prevented from voting, when white history was indoctrinated, when LGBTQ+ people were forced to hide their sexuality and true gender, and when there was no treatment for an avian virus the killed millions worldwide.

    All of this is meant as a last gasp effort to keep the white man in control of a populous that they prefer to be in ill-health, ill-informed, and ill-equipped. The recent Census data about the diminutive growth of whites, and the increase in Latinos and people of color have scared the bejesus out of the white angry men in charge of the state.

    Abbott and all those older, straight, narrow-minded guys have one thing in common: they are fast becoming the only people who can live lawfully and in peace...“deep in the 'no-heart' state of Texas.”
