Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Iris Aglow



  1. Hmmm. I wonder if any were from the Vermont Air National Guard

    US warplanes fly first combat missions off foreign aircraft carrier since World War II

    US warplanes fly first combat missions off foreign aircraft carrier since World War II

    1. The world’s issues appear to be heating up...

      Russian jets and ships target British warship

    2. One is tempted to wonder whether "confrontation" is in the same category as frontal nudity.

  2. Not to bed yet. Soon, I hope.

  3. Replies
    1. I read that last article with interest, but it seems to focus on hyperlocal news within the City of Chicago. I don't see anything that would help with metro, state, and national news. Probably I should switch my subscription to the Sun-Times. And yes, I know I should be following the Wednesday Journal for Oak Park news.

    2. I thought that would be of particular interest for you, Bill.

  4. Replies
    1. One can only hope they get Cosmos, not I Love Lucy!

    2. One should hope for "I Love Lucy" instead of that "reality TV" program where Trump pretended to be a boss.

  5. My Facebook profile is gone. Sis surmises it was hacked. I have to start all over again, which is discouraging, since I've been on FB soooooo long. Anyhow, I'll let you guys know when I'm reestablished so you can send me friend requests.

    In case you're wondering, I'm not calm at all!

    1. Well, rats! I have noticed the past couple of days that the Internet seems to be slower than usual.

    2. Curiouser and curiouser. On the FB pages for UConn and UConn Women's Basketball, I found both already showed the mark for "like." That, along with a few other things I noticed while attempting, and attempting and attempting, to log in, together with the fact that the system provided several people who are/were on my friends list under the rubrick of "People you might know" lead me to suspect that my original account is actually still there somewhere. I'll look at it again tomorrow.

    3. Your full name does not show up in Search, either on the main FB page or on Messenger. But Messenger tells me you have an Instagram account that uses your Cosmo address. Any chance you "liked" UConn from Instagram? (I don't actually know how Instagram works.)

  6. Foe those not familiar with tornados, I'll point out that they are very, very localized. I just saw a Facebook post from an on-line friend whose house was a half-mile from the tornado. In his immediate neighborhood, no damage beyond a few twigs on the ground.

  7. Got to bed just after 11, slept till 10. Seems my new schedule. . .

    1. You've gone nocturnal! I think that cat is having a real effect on you. 😉

    2. These days I tend to get to bed between 1 and 2 and up at noon or 1.
