Monday, December 09, 2019

Mad River Glen: Ski It If You Can


  1. I sure remember it the way Bernie describes it here. I remember those of us who wanted Bernie and were not thrilled with Clinton were really upset that he was endorsing her so quickly and constantly. No one else did as many relies for her as Bernie did. We were wishing he had gone third party instead.

    1. Bernie endorsed her only about three days after Obama did. I remember many supporters were angry that he was working for her after we KNEW she had cheated him. But he had given his word, and being a man of honor, he kept it. I swear I dislike Hillary more with the passing of time. Looks to me like she's trying to poke a stick in his wheel AGAIN, just using a different method this time. She is an AWFUL,AWFUL woman and she can't always keep that concealed. And she says "He hurt me". No, he didn't. You hurt yourself, Hillary, with your insulting ways, your adherence to *private* high-dollar fundraisers, your failure to campaign in *every* state and your nasty, nasty insults to people. It was clear you felt the Presidency was OWED to you and you just expected to get it because it was YOURS. I didn't vote for you and in spite of evil trump, I'm *very* glad you lost.

    2. Obama endorsed her on June 9th. Bernie endorsed her on July 12th. But he still did it early on and it broke our hearts. I was in shock (and awe) that he was even able to do it after she and the DNC had treated him so badly.

    3. I canot forget how Obama snubbed Bernie and Jane the during the primary campaigns, relative to his fulsome welcome to the White House for HRC & Bill. He certainly should have treated them the same. But when all is said and done, Obama is a "New Democrat," like Billary.

    4. Obama also completely snubbed Dean because Emanuel said to. That made me really question his ability to pick good people. Still, that said, we had 8 years without a scandal, eh?

    5. Yes, eight years without a scandal is a very long run. Nice.

  2. When it comes to the Senate trial, what are we expecting? It sounds to me like Giuliani went back to Ukraine to work something out with the corrupt former prosecutor. He says he came back with news or proof or some such thing. I suspect he will attempt to give some sort of trumped up charges (pun intended) about the Bidens, as the Republicans bring in Adam Schiff to testify and try to rake him over the coals. This will polarise our nation even more than it already is. The Republicans calling the Democrat run Impeachment hearing "a sham" and "theatre" told us all we need to know. They always project before they act.
    And I hope our Intelligence Agencies are awake. I feel certain that Russia is behind some of this. I could wish away the next ten years to see the books come out that tell us what's really been going on.

  3. from a friend on facebook--
    Brilliant Idea per John Dean:
    Impeach trump-but DON’T send it to the Senate. Keep continuing to investigate ALL the evidence right through to the election. IF he should be re-elected, but DEMS win the Senate—THEN send to Senate & remove trump.

    1. Someone else made that suggestion a while back; it sounds very reasonable to me.

    2. It is reasonable. So, of course, the GOP would scream about it and point to it as evidence of an unfair process. And anyone who doesn't want the Dems to get in power will eat that up. But, hey, their vote wasn't forthcoming anyway.

    3. Yeah, I'd say that's the very moment for the Dems to say, "We're not going to send it to the Senate because we think we should let the people decide." ;-)

  4. Having read a bit more in LeGuin's small short story compendium "The Wind's Twelve Quarters," I think it is about time to re-read both "The Left Hand of Darkness" and "The Dispossessed."

  5. This morning was the last meeting of my watercolor class; I have ordered up some more paints, have finished up my plein air field kit, and will have to cogitate about getting into action. I definitely profited from the class. I think I was the corrections king of the class--correcting errors or problems in watercolor is considerably more difficult than in oils or acrylics, but it can be done.

  6. Replies
    1. Granted that many, perhaps even most, Americans are gullible...

  7. One of the quotes I saved long ago in my little quotations book: "You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake." - Jeannette Rankin

    Another one, just from memory, "In a war someone has to die".

    1. Afghanistan isn't called "The Graveyard of Empires" for nothing. Simply as a matter of logistics, it would be excedingly difficult to find a more difficult place to supply an invading army.

    2. A brief history of the empires that were broken in the Hindu Kush. [Click] For those who have not had occasion to study the history of Afghanistan. [I took three semesters of Asian History in college]

    3. Thanks for the pithy quotes, Susan.

  8. Interesting post from Glen Greewood's Twitter account on Facebook.

    "Also, this endless Clintonite argument that, unlike with Bernie in 2016, there was this lovely harmony in 2008 after Obama won the nomination is pure revisionism. Google "PUMA" "Party Unity My Ass". And *more Clinton voters voted GOP in 2008* than Sanders voters did in 2016."

  9. I am reminded of a cartoon (maybe after Bill left office) showing Bill and Hillary as Arkansas trailer trash, Bill saying something and Hil telling him to shut up or some such. Can't find it with google, though.
