Friday, November 22, 2019

Mountain Laurel


  1. Pardon my bad attitude, but the story indicates that delaying or impounding the money benefits Uncle Vladimir. And we still don't know what the Russians have on Dear Leader--just that it is probably significant. Thanks for the tip, Bill.

  2. Replies
    1. Interesting thought. Although this assumes there will be impeachment and an actual Senate right in the middle of primary season. I'm not sure I want to see the election disrupted in precisely that way. The election is how we get rid of Trump.

  3. Worker who raised alarm before deadly New Orleans hotel collapse to be deported [Click] “Honduran Delmer Joel Ramírez Palma, who has lived in New Orleans for 18 years, warned supervisors of safety concerns.” If the President were a man, this would not be happening.

  4. Replies
    1. ^ somehow the title didn’t post! Here it is:
      Exclusive: Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden

  5. Hungarian scientists may have found a fifth force of nature

    "They referred to this unseen fifth force in action as a "photophobic force," meaning that it was as though the particles were 'afraid of light.'"

    This could explain the Republicans!

  6. Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.

    Louis Brandeis, Other People's Money—and How Bankers Use It (1914).
