Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cardinal in the Tree Top


  1. Parnas spills the beans, begging to do so in the current hearings:
    The Guardian [Click]
    NY Daily News [Click]
    He has turned over a trove of evidence.

    1. Hope is alive that we may yet reclaim our nation’s decency and eventually reputation as we work to restore broken trust. First step: stop the wounding.

    2. How cool to read:

      “had so much evidence it had to be sent to investigators in several batches” [including photos and videos].

  2. Stop the Ethanol Madness [Click] “The mainstay of the Renewable Fuel Standard is an unmistakable social and environmental failure. Why does it persist?” I knew growing corn for automobile fuel wasn’t great, but I had no idea it was so bad. It’s a farking disaster.

  3. Ady Barkan: Why I’m Endorsing Elizabeth Warren. [Click] Elizabeth or Bernie? It’s a difficult and wonderful choice to have… I believe that Warren is the leader we deserve for those battles. You may prefer Sanders, and I have deep respect for that choice. But during the primary, I think we should keep perspective. We are, ultimately, on the same side. When the dust settles, Warren will enthusiastically endorse Sanders, or vice versa, and then we will need to all struggle together, as one progressive movement.

    1. That is so true! Besides, I deeply admire Addy. He is as incapacitated from ALS as Stephen Hawking was and yet, like Hawking, he has an iron will and determination that leave me in awe. And he's a lot younger than Hawking. I've thought for about a year now that he couldn't last much longer. But he's by God determined to see the end of Trump. Wish I had a quarter of his tenacity.
