Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Marionette in Chief


  1. I just read that Elijah Cummings died last night. I have no details, just that he died.

    1. I saw that too. A very good Representative, and a credit to the nation. I expect former presidents will shortly speak well of him.

    2. Sadly, he had been very ill these last few years, and very recently in Hospice care. I could just scream when I think of how DT treated Baltimore and Cummings as well this past year!!!!!!

  2. First, She Realized There Was a Problem [Click] “Elizabeth Warren has drawn inspiration from FDR’s labor secretary, Frances Perkins, whose genius lay in spotting an injustice—and framing it as something government action could fix.”

    Will Canada Redefine Conservatism Again? [Click] A seemingly insightful look at Canadian politics. But a Conservative win might just be an expression of the old principle that it is time to vote in a new bunch of rascals.

    Johnson Promised Brexit—But May Deliver Engxit [Click] David Frum: “The English nationalism that powers Brexit is repelling the rest of the United Kingdom.”

  3. The Trump Mess Explained For non-smartypants non-elites, with Opus & Rosebud [Click] Oh, Lordy!

  4. Jimmy Kimmel: 'Trump didn’t have a meltdown – he had a Wednesday'

  5. Every time I click "preview" the comment disappears. Let's see if I can publish something directly.

  6. Replies
    1. When the western allies carved up the Ottoman Empire after the Great War, they made a number of serious errors that plague us today. Among others were the partition of Cyprus, the creation of Iraq (to guarantee a supply of oil to the UK Navy) and the division of Kurdistan among four different countries. Their attempt to strangle the Turkish Republic in its cradle (which very nearly succeeded) led to multiple serious consequences. Turkey didn't want to include the Kurds, but was forced to make common cause with (some of) them as a matter of survival. It wasn't a good fit.

  7. I'm EXHAUSTIFIED after not sleeping well last night, then tending three young grands most of the day. =Whooo!=

    Several sweet moments, though!

    * I was up quite late texting with a dear friend in New Zealand who had JUST heard that she is to be ordained a transitional deacon in the Episcopal/Anglican Church there, on November 30th! She is my best friend's daughter and said friend was sound asleep so she couldn't tell her Mom for 5 or 6 more hours. Lovely to be able to fill in for a few moments.

    * I got to be 4 year old granddaughter's Gramie-in-Waiting, as she was wearing a very long dance dress (for a dance class) and needed someone to hold the dress up when she needed to attend to personal matters in the lavatory. (I felt privileged and mentioned that brides also need this sort of help.)

    * My nearly 15 month old granddaughter is still mostly pre-verbal. (I LOVE pre-verbal communication!) As I was about to leave I got the highest compliment when she left her mother's lap and came to me with her hands up because she didn't want me to go!!

    So, a good, exhausting day. However, the peer group meeting that was to take place at my house on Friday got cancelled! So I have time to sleep in (YES!!) and go to the cloth store to choose cloth for a small quilt project. KNOW what I mean!!! Whoo hoo!!!

  8. Not being familiar with what a deacon, let alone a transitional deacon, is, I turned to Wikipedia [Click] which discusses them both.
