Monday, October 14, 2019

Indigenous People’s Day


  1. 🇨🇦 Happy Thanksgiving! 🇨🇦

    Canadian PM Trudeau shrugs off security threat

    1. I haven't been following. What's happening with that brown face scandal that's been dogging him? Personally, I think the whole thing is foolish. The incident took place during a school panto, for Heaven's sake!

    2. It seems to have receded from the headlines.

    3. Cat, I agree it's ridiculous. Were he doing it today, that would be atrocious. But that was then. People didn't look askance at it in the time in which he did it. It simply means that we were all the more unaware of our racism then. We need to be aware of it, and we need to act well now and make amends to the extent that we have hurt someone. But I don't think it is fair to chastise people for not comprehending then as we do now.

  2. DT just added insult to injury...

    Trump falsely claims Kurds are releasing ISIS prisoners on purpose

  3. Things have been uneven in the world of racism, certainly. My parents who put Cayenne pepper on the tongue of any child who'd carried home the N-word, regularly dined at a local restaurant called, I kid you not, The Coon Chicken Inn.

    1. And what was the race of that restaurant's owners? I was in grad school with someone who insisted that because he was of Polish ancestry he was fully entitled to tell dumb Polack jokes.

    2. Though I understand--had a black friend who named his dog N-word because he enjoyed his white friends' reactions. Either joy or discomfort. . . .

  4. How two firefighters and a bottle of nail polish cheered up a scared little girl after a car accident

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A coworker of mine used to raise Maine Coon cats. Once he and some other Maine Coon afficionados at a cat show were having dinner in a booth at a restaurant when one of them (of the melanocytically challenged persuasion) said "Oh, I just LOVE my Maine Coon." Unbeknownst to him, there were some black people behind him in the next booth, and one turned around, seemingly wroth, and asked him in a very assertive manner "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" It got smoothed out, but the cat fanciers seem not to have been sure the other folks believed their explanation...

  7. I just scanned the day's news over at The congressional hearings and related things are getting so entertaining I can take it only at a distance. It does not augur well for Dear Leader or for his myrmidons. IMO.

  8. There is this, however:

    Nobody Running for Governor In New Hampshire
    October 14, 2019 By Taegan Goddard

    In an interview on WAAF [Click], Nobody — formerly known as Richard Goyen Paul before legally changing his name — said he plans on challenging Gov. Chris Sununu (R) in a Republican primary.

    1. I remember Wavy Gravy campaigning for Nobody For President...
