I had posts set through this weekend, and didn't catch that I missed the 11th. Heh.
Brain specialist: Trump should be tested for degenerative brain diseasehttps://scontent.fbed1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/24899829_10156621491151754_8934710418681687111_n.jpg?oh=d84c4dee2d66c9409e5b119c9db09d27&oe=5AD754D4
We haven't seen enough evidence? Hmmmm....of course it is possible that he is doing a bang-up job as a Russian agent.AlanP.S.: ARe those geese in the photo?P.P.S.: No problem with the delayed photo post.
Try this link for the story. [Click]--Alan
listening to him, I've thought for long that he had early onset Alzheimer's. AND that he's been getting worse. Poster child for Lame Brain.
Brain specialist: Trump should be tested for degenerative brain disease
We haven't seen enough evidence? Hmmmm....of course it is possible that he is doing a bang-up job as a Russian agent.
P.S.: ARe those geese in the photo?
P.P.S.: No problem with the delayed photo post.
Try this link for the story. [Click]
listening to him, I've thought for long that he had early onset Alzheimer's. AND that he's been getting worse. Poster child for Lame Brain.