Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The Birthday Pony


  1. Howard is first always.

    Beautiful big full moon last night. Just a joy to see.

  2. Guess what? Finished a grant application today. That's no surprise. But I thought I would immediately plunge into two others, with serious deadlines complicated by the fact I will be gone the first week of next month. Only it turns out that for one reason or another neither of them is ready to start. So I have serious catch-up time.

    Nice if it doesn't just mean problems later.

  3. Replies
    1. Ah yes, beautiful pony. They got so busy moving to the new house and horse farm that he got ridden very little for about a month. So now they are getting back to a good routine. But guess what. On Sunday, VT*Grand (newly age 7) was riding on him when he spooked and REARED STRAIGHT UP!! Thankfully she hung onto that pony like Spiderwoman and did not fall. She yelled "Daddy! Daddy!" and he was already running to her, grabbed her and had to tell her to let go, because she was clinging so tightly. Her Mom was also right here, on a horse behind her, and had the sense to dismount and secure her horse, then JUMP and grab the reins of the pony and get him down again. She then worked him hard for awhile as a disciplinary measure. And two hours later VT*Grand arrived at our house with a story to tell! Mom also got VT*Grand up on her own horse right away, so she wouldn't be afraid of riding. They did a good debriefing with her. So we also helped her process it. As she told me the story in her own words, I wrote it down. Amazingly, she dictated the story saying "New Page" where she could imagine another picture of what happened. Then she illustrated it! So I photographed her illustrations and typed in her words, and by the time she went home the next day we had printed out 5 copies of her book! :-) We love her tons and are so glad she wasn't hurt!!!
