Thursday, March 21, 2013

Come up higher...


  1. Howie's first this fine frozen day!

    15.6 °F
    Scattered Clouds

    Snow Showers
    high 23° F

    1. Sounds like you finally moved to Vermont!

    2. Ya. *Feels* like I did, too. . . .

  2. Listener, I'm so glad the chiropractor is working out. And I understand about the atmosphere of the office. The massage therapist and bodywork practitioner I used to go to shared space with a chiropractor and a Swedish massage lady. I guess the building really belonged to the chiropractor, because she was the one who had a secretary/receptionist and she had the nicest room. Anyway, not only did I love going to Holly because she was a terrific lady and a fabulous masseuse, but the whole atmosphere of the office was homelike and welcoming. Caroline, Larisa's receptionist, was always good for a chat, and when Larisa and Joyce weren't busy they chatted too. It was like going to visit friends rather than keeping a medical appointment.

    I saw Larisa professionally a few times too, and she gave me some very sound advice. Most of the PTs I've seen throughout my life have been highly competent and nice to boot, but I know sometimes they can do more harm than good. When Mum injured her rotater cuff, the PT hurt her and on top of that wasn't very nice. I persuaded her to go to Holly, and though it took a few weeks, she got the injury sorted out.

    1. Thank you, Cat! Your take on it is very helpful. Nice to hear others have found the same to be true. And thanks for the I need to do my exercises before I flop into bed for the night. :-)
