Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tea Cakes Anyone?


  1. Howard is wonderful! So is teacakes! And granddaughters in pink animal tights! Who could choose?

  2. Daylight Saving Time (United States) begins Sunday, March 11, 2012, 2:00am, and ends Sunday, November 4, 2012, 2:00am.
    Except Arizona and Hawaii. Move your clocks ahead 1 hour in spring and back 1 hour in fall ("Spring forward, fall back").

  3. Bill, BTW, the *worst* movie of my life was Fritz the Cat. The only movie I've ever just walked out of. Nasty and violent under the guise of "community hectoring." Nearly nauseating in it's anti-womaness. I remember nearly none of the details of what I saw before I walked out, but even this much remembering is making me queasy.

  4. And listener, as counter-balance to the above, thank you for yesterday's bit of poetry.

    "We touch the rays of light we cannot see
    And feel this light that seems to sing"

  5. Gonna be *that* kind of day: rebooted twice already due to sheer slowness, and this rendition is not being that much faster, plus I lost everything but the addys, so it's going to be v e r y slow getting back to where I was an hour ago (but which nothing would load in less than five minutes). ACK

  6. Bill Thomasson3/10/2012 12:50:00 PM

    The one movie I ever walked out of was a 1950s British comedy whose title I fortunately can't remember. It was highly recommended, but I have learned that there are things most people find funny that I find gut-wrenchingly unpleasant because I can't stand to see the protagonist suffer that embarrassment.

  7. Bill Thomasson3/10/2012 12:50:00 PM

    Tea cakes look delicious. Of course, I'm getting hungry for lunch about now.

  8. Hilarious. I set my clock ahead before noon. And somehow set it TWO hours ahead. I'd have been very surprised tomorrow morning, lol! It was the BBB thread change that alerted me. Now back to just one hour ahead: my, it's light at six. . . . Not remotely near dusk.

  9. Okay. Weatherunderground sez 5:18. The BBB hasn't changed threads yet. And won't let me post. This last one here should have been five oh three. Wassup?

  10. Driving me nuts. My email program won't send mail so I can't check that way. Blogger agrees with Weatherunderground. And the BBB won't let me post although it's saying I have.

  11. Now this one is even *worse* lol!

  12. They're coming to take me away, ha ha.

  13. VT*Grand took to dance class like a duck to water! I was at work, but Grandad went, and told me that she had no hesitation, but went right into class and participated fully. She was in her element. The teacher set hoops on the floor and they were to go from hoop to hoop, doing particular moves inside each hoop. At one point another member of the class went into a hoop and paused, unsure of what to do. From across the room, VT*Grand made a little spiral gesture with her finger, to indicate to the girl to twirl. How great for her to be outflowing and helpful on her very first day! Grandad says that VT*Grand's little cup of happiness overflowed today. :-)

  14. Yeah. I wish it happened midday on a workday instead. ;-)

  15. The author is John Michael Talbot.

  16. The movie that Mah*Sweetie and I walked out of was The Bridesmaids, which showed recently. I know good people who actually liked it, but we thought it was a terrible mess of cliches and unkindness. There was no humour in the sort of relating we observed. We couldn't last past a half hour and wondered why we stayed that long.

  17. They actually *are* delicious!
    The dough is just a tiny bit sweet; the jam adds the toothsome touch.

  18. Yup. I even found his facebook page! Google is wonderful!

  19. Ah, how lovely! Did she wear the animal tights?

    I always loved the classes: it was the public performances that terrified me. My first tap recital I don't remember at all -- just blanked on it. Interestingly, my partner froze, and I just kept dancing (I'm told) and everyone thought I was so cool, lol! And I got praised for it. Except for the partner, that was pretty much the deal with my first public speech -- just blanked. I can still remember getting up to go to the podium with my memorized 2 1/2 minute talk. And I remember, clearly, sitting back down. The in between has always been a total blank.

  20. THAT is hilarious -- the times were all OVER the place when I posted. . . .

  21. I'd say that's because you were in a surreal place...both times. It was too intense to take in, so you simply didn't. That's an excellent way to cope. Kudos!

    Technically, it was an animals (plural! LOL!) print leotard with tights that coordinated.
    Yes, that's the one she wore. Too cute!!

  22. (Well, in Spring, that is. ;-) )

  23. Well, we have been having solar flares. Maybe they're finally mucking up the electronic works.

    On Saturday, at the Library, we had a computer that wouldn't speak to the printer. I tried rebooting it and rather than turn off and on again the power indicator just kept blinking! Even when I unplugged it and left it off...!
