Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How're you doin'?


  1. Of all the candidates that ever were...
    Howard Dean is First!

  2. puddle--thanks for the duck info; the one I saw was indeed probably a crossbreed of some sort. I had never thought of mallards as domestic ducks, although we had a domesticated pair when I was a kid.

    listener--the one I saw was definitely not a fulvous whistling duck, although my poor description does fit.

    Speaking of Renee, I hope the natives continue friendly…it sure sounds good!

    listener--I remember seeing the story about the Jesus statue catching fire some time back, but the caption is indeed humorous. That beats the story about the preacher several years ago who was beseeching God to give the congregation a sign, whereupon a lightning bolt hit the steeple of their church, setting it afire.

    Good going for Ron Paul in New Hampster; I'd send him a little love except that I doubt I would ever get off the mailing list.

    Follow-up CT scan today, no reason to expect it will be anything but normal. From here on out it will be yearly until they come to an end, rather than twice a year. This makes three years since the last sign of my cancer, and about 2 1/2 years since my surgery. I continue to very slowly recover from the now minor residual effects of the radiation treatments (which, combined with simultaneous chemo, evidently cured me). Nice.

    And now to bed.

  3. Alan, good luck today! Though it sounds more like rejoicing may be in order.

  4. Alan in California1/11/2012 11:05:00 AM

    Thanks, puddle; so far, so good. I continue to feel well, which is probably the best sign. It would do me good to get rid of the weight I packed on during my medical adventures, but [sigh] easier said then done.

  5. A hearty hallo from down south by Albany, New York, where we are, one last time*, having our Mini serviced. We're having our bonnet latch (bonnet string? LOL) repaired. We haven't been able to open the bonnet (hood), so we can't check to see if that odd smell is a new manifestation of Mr. Chippy Halftail's architectural prowess. The service guy said it could be an oil issue, but we only had the oil changed in September (with a Mini it's only once a year). So we'll see. The best part about this is that it's ALL under warranty. Sweet! We are glad to get down here then home again before the Winter Storm Warning fructifies.

    * I say "one last time" because a new MIni dealer is opening in Vermont, about 35 minutes from home and about 5 minutes from where Mah*Sweetie is about to be employed.
    (There will be great rejoicing!!)

  6. Alan ~ Good Vibes, Prayers, and Heart's Hopes all emanating forth in your behalf! May you have the same results that Ally had! :-)

    What is it that you especially like about Ron Paul? Mah*Sweetie says he told some falsehoods about Romney and about the federal government. Most notably...that the US Gov't loaned billions to the Federal Reserve, making it sound like a permanent thing, when it was really just an overnight loan. My niece whose house was robbed while she was being interviewed following Ron Paul's speech in NH ended up voting for him.

    Very curious about your odd duck!

  7. Renee ~ I think I missed your post about your new job, so I'll have to go back and look! Nice to hear it's going well thus far! wOOt!! :-)

  8. Well, didna make it to town yesterday. I remembered NOT to take the pain meds (and didn't need em), but forgot until nearly leaving time that I *cannot* take diuretics and also go to town on the same day. . . . Today, just went up an picked up my mail, and *finally* got listener's wonderful Christmas present! Which has been perused with delight, and awaits a fuller reading/appreciation.

  9. Bill Thomasson1/11/2012 03:41:00 PM

    Paul is absolutely correct that he is "dangerous to the establishment" -- an establishment with which some of us are less than enamored. Some of his ideas strike me as right on, some as decidedly weird. But since I know I won't be voting for him in November, even if he should win the nominationi, I haven't bothered to remember any of them except returning to the gold standard.

  10. Perused. And between the two of you (words and pictures) a real delight! I'm sure the grandgirls think it fine! I do sorta wish that at least of couple of those ladies had been gentlemen. . . . Still, all in all, a delight!

    Had a couple of slow days with the swallowing, but seems to be resolving nicely today. Wish I could figure out what caused the slow down. Guess I need to remain aware that that's still a possibility for reasons unknown. Search of the literature hasn't been useful so far.

    Beau's been in today nearly as much as out. And content with it. Fine with me. So long's he's not chewing up the oriental rug. . . .

  11. puddle ~ Did your slow days swallowing happen together or were they "a little here a little there"? Sounds like it would be a good idear to keep a journal of foods and activities and medications and see if there's a true culprit. Please do keep us posted!

    Very happy to hear you like the little book we made, puddle! I agree with you about having some be gentlemen, and I even suggested a variety of ethnicities. But, then, I'm merely the illustrator, not the author, and this was a surprise, so I couldn't mess with it that much. However, when I formatted a book, years ago, for a woman priest who'd written an explanation for children of the Episcopal Eucharist service, line by line, and for the woman illustrator who had captured her work very nicely, it got picked up by Morehouse Publishing and they requested that some of the clergy shown in the book be of various ethnicities and that at least one of the priests really ought to be a male so that little boys wouldn't think only women could be priests. (I'm not kidding! I even got into the pixels and gave one priest a sex change operation to speed along the new illustrations!). So I really do know something about what publishers want. We'll see how the revised version of the book turns out! I plan to begin that work in a week or so. Any feeling about whether the change would best be to Mr. Elderly and/or Mr. Hurtable....or?

  12. So, we're home! It's a long ride, especially after dark. In the past we've always gone in August or September when the days are longer. So happy to be here ahead of the snow and freezing rain expected tonight and tomorrow!

  13. Two days together. And the only big change was dropping the pain meds in the daytime. . . . Theory: is that they keep the whole system relaxed, including what's left of the LES and the new esophageal wrap. . . I'm actually hoping that's just a coincidence, 'cause I sure can't stay on these pain meds for a lifetime. . . . Next time, gonna try taking them when it starts, and see if that helps.

  14. No preferences, lol! Just don't want ALL the grouchy people in town to be ladies. . . .

  15. Did anyone locate the source of the smell? Is it still doing it?

  16. The guys in the service center said they too could smell it (smells like burnt grasses) but try as they might they could not locate anything that would cause it. One guy said it could be that the microfilter picked up the scent (or is, I'm thinking, clogged), due to Chippy's previous nest (there was NO nest material in there today!!), but a new filter isn't covered by warranty just now, so we decided to wait a bit rather than spend $105 today. (Sweetie hasn't started the nice job YET!) If it keeps up, we'll see if we can figure out how to remove that filter for short time to see if that clears the smell...which would identify the issue nicely. Then we could get a new filter to put in. At least the new Mini dealer opens here in March.

  17. This might be worth calling your surgeon about! It might be good to hear what to expect as regards how long the average bear needs the meds and why...and what to do about the relaxation. I wonder if meditating for relaxation could in any way help, now that the problem is minimal.

  18. I totally agree! This is exactly the sort of feedback we need. Thanks!!

    I have plans to change the back cover too (did I tell you this?); it will show Emma arriving home and getting a hug from her Mom (who will likely have a big braid down her back to match with Emma's braids).

  19. It is still doing it, but much less than originally.

  20. Hmmm...I wonder if the meds help the system to stay relaxed SO THAT it will heal in the relaxed mode...?
