Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Awww...incase you need a dose of cuteness!

= May you have a great first day of school, Renee!! =


  1. Howie's da foist!!

    Sorry for being so quiet yesterday: my whole phone exchange was partly out for about 12 hours yesterday. Could get a basic dial tone, but not enough to get online, and couldn't *receive* incoming calls at all. Never had *that* happen before. Anywhere.

  2. Cat, heart is with you as you go through this with Bianka. ♥

  3. What puddle said.

  4. What should I see crossing the street in front of me as I approached our home last night, but a deer! First we have ever seen around here. Kit foxes, one red fox (dead, donated to a science education center), skunks, raccoons, possums, an occasional harmless snake (I thought the California king snake was beautiful) and there was a juvenile mountain lion that must have come through here about 20 years ago. But that was the first deer.

  5. Bill Thomasson9/21/2011 01:52:00 PM

    Haven't seen any deer in Oak Park, although we know there are some in the forest preserve along the Des Plaines River about 2 miles away. And major herds a dozen or so miles upstream.

    Wildlife we see around here are mostly rabbits, squirrels, opposums, and racoons. And coyotes, given the amount of food available to them. The rabbits appear absolutely fearless, which seems a bit strange in the circumstances.
