Monday, December 27, 2010

Feasting upon Beauty


  1. Howard Dean is First on the Third Day of Christmas!

  2. And three calling birds to you, too!

  3. A source for free downloadable audiobooks, from the public domain:

    I think I heard that french hens are more expensive this year.

  4. oOps!! It IS three french hens. Calling birds are tomorrow, lol! *Where* has my mind gone?

    Ally update at baby ~~

  5. We have about 4" of new snow. I'm glad it's not 12"!
    How much did you folks get whumped with, Cat?

    But, ohhh, it's cold here. Currently about 10 degrees,
    but with the wind chill is fells like minus-6! Blah.

  6. Lol! I read that as "witch chill" ~~ which fits, somehow. We're at twenty with a wind advisory. . . but our witch chill is only about 12ยบ. . . . Very pretty day to look at though. Pale blue skies with little white puffys scooting about. And which just now turned this lustrous glowing pink-to-peach.

  7. Puddle, thanks for the instructions. I'm on XP BTW. Will be back in a bit.

  8. We were very fortunate, or not depending on your point of view. The official measurement is five in., but chez nous(hm, sp?) it looks like maybe three, if you're feeling generous, which Sis and I aren't.

    The wind was certainly up to blizzard standard last night though. Pretty scary! And it stayed fairly windy till early afternoon, though the sun came out and it ended up being a lovely day to look out at.

  9. OK, I think the scan is set. So, I'll reboot and be back whenever. Thanks again, Puddle.

    BTW Dad fixed my Thunderbird. Turns out the port settings mysteriously got reset to the defaults. All is once more well in that department.

    See y'all when Checkdisk finishes.

  10. So, you got just 3 to 5 inches of snow, then? The forecasters made it sound like there would be feet of snow, but Son*in*ME got just 10". He says the wind scoured it so the grass shows in some places while there are big 2-3 ft drifts in other places. Wild! I wonder how folks' Christmas lights held up.

    Funny how I wrote that about the wind (witch) chill. I meant to say it feels like minus-6 and said it fells like minus-6. Since the temp falls quickly in weather like this, that's appropos as well. Ha!

  11. Oh I love that!:

    BTW Dad fixed my Thunderbird.

    It sounds like he spent the day out in the garage with a wrench and engine oil. LOL!

  12. Either that, or he got a clean glass.

    (sorry, couldn't help it)

  13. listener, LOL Don't I wish. That interpretation did occur to me as I was closing down. Oh well, maybe in the next life.

    While waiting for checkdisk to do its thing, I listened to the free download of three O'Henry stories from Audible. One of course was "The Gift of the Magi," but the other two were stories I hadn't read before. All good, as listener would say. Then, when Checkdisk finished, Vivie Kitty was sitting in my lap, or rather on my ankles, so of course I wasn't going anywhere. And when at last I reached the computer, Norton decided that it needed to be updated. That's now sorted out and the Norton Download Maneger is running. But, I tell ya. I don't know how much more of this re-downloading and updating and checking I can take.

  14. Susan, how are you enjoying your newly painted walls? Are they soothing?

  15. Funny thing about the checkdisk on XP. It used to be so easy to find on '98, just below defrag. Bit it was devilishly difficult to get it to run completely. Even hints to run it in safe mode, which I did a time or two. But on XP, it's so hidden as to be virtually invisible. I personally never would have found it if not for Kim Commando, bless her heart. And I can always tell the difference in how well the machine runs right after I do it.

  16. I saved the instructions in case I need to run it again.

    Can't tell any difference because now Norton is giving me the dickens of a time. There's always something, isn't there?

  17. LOL! Good one, Susan! ;-)

  18. I run it just before I do a defrag. . . and try to do both about once a month.
