Tuesday, July 09, 2024

WHALE ! πŸ‹



  1. Josh Marshall: AOC & CBC [support Biden] [Click] “I’m not inclined to make any predictions. But these developments strike me as very big deals.”

  2. Note about the Arctic sinkholes link I posted at the end of the previous thread: they are mapping thawed subterranean permafrost and rising methane plumes using the US Navy's low-frequency system for global communication with nuclear submarines. I read about experiments with that system quite some time ago, but didn't know it had been deployed. No need for the submarines to surface to communicate, and no satellites involved. The probe the methane researchers are using is readily portable--- a small box of electronics and a probe maybe about three meters long that is pushed into the muskeg.

  3. Key Largo tree cactus becomes first local species killed off by sea-level rise [Click] I thought sea level rise (or at least mention of it) had been outlawed in Florida. That seawater burbling up out of the ground in Miami and other such places at high tide is just woke propaganda, right?

  4. Watch Morning Joe Highlights: July 8th [Click] Joe Biden interviewed on the phone.

    1. P.S.: Sounds pretty good to me.

  5. Australian compact anti-drone hardware to Ukraine [Click] Originally developed to deal with space junk in orbit.

  6. Yesterday a dimmer switch malfunctioned. I got a replacement and swapped it out. But it is behind a four-place switchplate, and those are the Devil's own job to get positioned properly. This morning I got it in place; far from perfect, but if someone in the future doesn't like it they can fix it themselves. We also had a fluorescent light bulb in the kitchen conk out. When we built our house fluorescent lights were the best choice, but in California they can't be sold any more. So I ordered a stock from Canada via Amazon. Changing to LED's can be done by whoever buys the house in the future; I'm not up to swapping out all the fixtures and ballasts.

    1. Don't you just need to swap the lightbulb from flourescent to LED? Isn't there a bulb that would fit?

    2. I investigated that and gained the impression that they are not interchangeable.

  7. 11:30 now; will rest a bit, take an early lunch, then service all the garden sprinklers. That's a miserable job, and I haven't done a good job of it for several years. Not sure if I have all the parts I will need, but I will find out.

    1. P.S.: Servicing the sprinklers is a far less miserable if done in the Spring, but one must pay the wages of sin once in a while.

    2. So, I guess you got out there while it was still only 105ΒΊF?

    Trump loses New Jersey liquor sales licenses [Click] Fraud is considered an act of moral turpitude— which I did not know. Oh, and changing the name on the licenses to Eric Trump didn’t work, because the ultimate beneficiary [DJT] didn’t change. I suppose he has liquor licenses at his various clubs and hotels across the country, and the license provisions are probably very similar.

    1. "Moral turpitude" is a phrase, and concept, that is due to come back into vogue, at least where von Schitzenpantz is concerned.

  9. This is scary as all get out although, to tell the truth, I don't understand the title.

    Video: https://youtu.be/BdRtghhk8kA?si=00QQBMjULuPySP0q">Judge Merchan FREAKS OUT After FACING To Be DISBARRED After Alina Habba EXPOSED His SECRET With JURY - Click

    1. I wouldn't worry. That video is a month old and Merchan is just fine.
      Cat's link clickified</a?

    2. Judge Merchan FREAKING OUT? About anything? Does not compute. And look at the comments. If truly from human beings they are nut cases. I suspect Russian AI. The title of the blog is also suspect.

  10. Senate Escalates Clarence Thomas Probe [Click] And remember the recent report (with both video and transcript evidence) that two of Trump's other SCOTUS appointees committed perjury during their Senate hearings. It is rather interesting to contemplate the removal of three justices at once---- and their replacement with Biden nominees.

  11. Replies
    1. Doesn't list me.

    2. Tisk, tisk. Major oversight, that.

  12. Posted today by Phil*in*Iowa

    (You may recall that Phil took a serious fall about 7 years ago and uses a walker.)

    7-9-24 I have had closer calls, but I do have to say being inside a burning van was a bit un-nerving. Evidently driving my van out to determine the next cattle move and count juvenile bobolinks led to grass seeds and stems igniting on the catalytic converter. Good Samaritans helped me get out and get away from the flames reaching 20 feet into the air. The real danger was not from the flames though once the seat belt was unbuckled and clear but and exploding gas tank. I went back for my walker stuck inside the side door, while there were people there hollering run! run! which is impossible for me with my neurological condition. A lady I didn't even get a chance to thank raced back and quickly got the other out. A neighbor with a pick-up helped me into his cab and we backed away and others drove further as we watched it burn and waited for the fire truck. It took a little while as they were stuck behind a train in Marquette. It was of no consequence luckily. The sheriff deputy showed up first, and flashing lights are always a good thing when traffic needs to be stopped. So all is well that ends well. I'm very grateful for the strangers that took risks to help me. I'm even grateful that my camera was in the walker basket and was saved along with me. So I took a deep breath and even took a few flower shots after being dropped off in thanksgiving. Good thing the camera has auto-focus because my hands were still a little shaky. πŸ˜‰

    1. An inch is as good as a mile, but that's enough inches for a while! I once saw a car catch on fire (started in the engine compartment) and it was amazing how fast it went. The only type of truck I have ever wanted (I suspect it is because my folks had one for our store when I was really young) is a late 1940's Dodge PowerWagon. No problem with catalytic converters there. I remember the gasoline heater in it--- boy, did that get hot fast! Might pass on that in a nice restomod. No air bags, though.

    2. *gulp* That was a mighty close call!

  13. Another note added to the Judge Merchan freaking out item above. I swear I didn't read it before my initial comment.
