Thursday, July 11, 2024

This was supposed to be Sentencing Day. It will now be September 18th....puddle's birthday!


  1. Sorry I was AWOL yesterday, when conversation might have been a good thing. It was a day with some interesting stressors...

    (1) On the anniversary of our devastating flood of 10 June 2023, Vermont is being deluged by the remnants of Beryl and all day long more and more roads have had to close due to flooding. We are all okay, but Eldest has the top of a huge Poplar tree overhanging his driveway, while the culvert that runs under his driveway may be about to wash out. They put their cars on the far side of the washout area, just incase.

    (2) Peter Welch pulled his support from Biden and I wrote him a stark letter. (More on this below.)

    (3) Daughter got a call from the CDC telling her that her test results show that the gut issues she's had for a month are due to a tropical parasite named Cyclospora and the remedy is a potent antibiotic combo. This is especially significant because it comes from infected cilantro, dill or raspberries and apparently those of us (myself included) who ate the broccoli-dill salad at Eldest-Grand's graduation party are all still infected. So that explains a lot! Hoping I can get the antibiotic tomorrow, though my doctor's office is currently almost an island from the flooding!

    (4). Last but not least:

    1. Here's what I sent to Peter:
      I have seen the VT Digger article: Peter Welch becomes first Democratic U.S. senator to call for Joe Biden to exit presidential race

      Goodness, Peter, Vermont is dealing with THIS huge storm right now…(see photo, then more message below)…

      …yet you choose today to come out against President Biden? What happened to trusting his decision? I am profoundly disappointed. Actually, I’m furious.

      As Honey Ward said to the people of America:
      “We have one choice that isn't ideal, and one that's literally a cartoon villain.
      These are not the same, and it's embarrassing you need that explained to you.”

      President Biden has done an unprecedented fabulous job for the past 3.5 years in office. He is clearly capable and, what’s more, he has the expertise and clout we need, all around the world.

      Why do Democrats always seem to eat their own and shoot themselves in the foot at the 11th hour? It’s why I left the Democratic Party in 2004.

      Peter, you know I am a long time supporter, even since your State Senate Pro Tem days. I deeply respect you as a person and Senator. But I do not in any form support your decision to pull support from our good President and to do so on a day when Vermont is quite literally underwater.

      If I still have power and phone service in the morning, I will call your office with my exasperation.

      If President Biden needs to step down at some point in the future, we would still have Kamala Harris anyway. But to effectively tell those who have already voted in the primary that their votes don’t count, to tell those who have donated to President Biden’s reelection campaign that their choice was foolhardy, and to now have a few people in power tell We the People that we have to vote for someone else whether we like it or not is a recipe for failure.
      Please reconsider, lest you have a hand in shooting Democracy itself in the foot. I am deeply concerned that a change this late will destroy the polls, the election and the nation. And, truth be told, it is unwise, possibly stirring up legal issues, and Joe Biden deserves better. More to the point, We the People, whom our elected officials are supposed to serve, deserve Democracy!

      Respectfully Angry and Sincerely Sorrowed...

    2. The photo I included was a screen shot of our wildly scary radar at the time, with the words "tornado watch" in view.

    3. PS: About a half hour later I read the article "REPORT FINDS BIDEN DEBATE CRISIS IS A BOGUS MEDIA CREATION" and sent it to Peter as a postscript!

    4. A bogus media creation; ya think?

    5. I just sent off a letter of support to President Biden.


      It took a report to get people to consider that this might, maybe, just possibly be the case, when it's as plane as the nose on Trump's ugly orange mug!

  2. Just sent this to President Biden. NOW I can sleep!

    Dear President Biden,

    You have done so much for our nation in the last 3.5 years!! I am strongly supportive of you and hope you will remain our candidate and our President. You have my vote. I have 5 children and 8 grandchildren and it is plain to me that we need your expertise and clout around the world to keep our alliances strong, our economy robust, and our approach morally and ethically sound, to save our Democracy for the generations to come.

    I am a Vermonter and a long time supporter of Peter Welch, but I have written to him to convey my disappointment and anger that he pulled his support from you on Wednesday ~ and all while his home state was enduring yet another deluge and flood and tornado watches. That was disheartening.

    Most of all, by way of encouragement, I want to share with you this article, which shows statistically that not only has your support NOT drained away since the debate, but you are even doing a bit better than you were with We the People. Thank you for always remembering whom you serve. Here is the article:
    Report Finds Biden Debate Crisis Is A Bogus Media Creation

    I'm old enough to know that truth and substance are far more important than how something feels. Sending you oxygen and keeping you in prayer.


    1. I sent the President a letter of support also. I heard a rumor that there are some popsicles in the freezer; if true I shall do some quality control on them and then hit the sack.

    2. Glad to hear that the cause of your group illness has been identified, and there is a cure for it. A couple of years ago I was impressed that Costco was able to identify everyone who had purchased a type of sliced salami made with unsafe pepper and advise them.

    3. Great letter, Listener.

      BTW over the weekend a rep from another district here in Mass. did the dirty, which was distressing. But, I just, naturally assumed my congresscritter and senators would be too intelligent, honorable and savvy to jump on the dump Biden bandwagon. But if Welsh can do it, anyone can. Going to check on Neal, Warren and Markey.

    4. Warren, who challenged Biden for the 2020 Democratic nomination, has been a strong supporter of Biden and serves on his campaign's national advisory board. Her Massachusetts Democratic colleague, Senator Ed Markey, was less definitive about Biden's status at the top of the ticket.

      Sounds like Sen. Warren needs a letter of thanks and Sen. Markey needs a spine stiffener.

    5. Neal, the senior member of the New England's congressional delegation, reiterated his support Friday for Biden, despite calls from some prominent Democrats to replace the 81-year-old former vice president as the party's lead candidate after a debate last week. “I'm for Joe Biden,” Neal said.

      Good. I have some letter writing to do. Thanks for bringing up the subject, Listener.

  3. China building twice as much wind and solar power as rest of world [Click] “Country on track reach 1,200GW of installed wind and solar capacity by end of 2024 – six years ahead of Beijing’s target”

  4. Trash talk: New York City has finally discovered the wheelie bin – and it only cost $1.6m [Click]

    The popsicles (rocket pops to be precise) passed inspection.

    1. Ah, yes, quality control is so important. /grin/

  5. News we can use: Night owls’ cognitive function ‘superior’ to early risers, study suggests [Click] “Research on 26,000 people found those who stay up late scored better on intelligence, reasoning and memory tests”

    1. That makes two of us!! Ha!!
      I am an early bird when I'm on retreat and a night owl the rest of the time.

  6. Mulleted mammoth called Chris Waddle helps scientists crack creatures’ genetic code [Click] “Researchers build genome using 52,000-year-old remains of woolly mammoth named after ex-England footballer”


  7. New York Times editorial board declares Trump ‘unfit to lead’ [Click] I have my doubts whether this will significantly alter the coverage of the NYT; we should know soon, probably within a week.

    1. They figured it out, huh? Great investigative reporting, that. :P

  8. I also had stressful issues yesterday. Justin Cooper, who has been a major figure in planning next week's Disability Pride Parade, died just before next week's parade. We knew he had health issues, but no clue that they might be life-threatening. We'll have to come together to fill the gap.

    Other comments: I think "bogus" may be too strong a teum, but overhyped for sure. Polls show Biden lost one or two points, about the same amount Trump lost when he was convicted. And I agree Biden is the only candidate with a reasonable chance of beating Trump.

    1. Gee, Bill, I'm sorry. What a shock. No doubt you guys will manage, though it may be a scramble.

    2. I am sure you have a capable and experienced group, and they will be able to divide the work, carrying it out effectively. Sorry to hear about his passing.

    3. We were already a smaller groupp than ideal, but as of tonight's Zoom meeting several former members have come back on board. We'll manage.

    4. Oh, that is truly stressful for all of you. No doubt you will pul it off in honour of Justin. Bless you all for that.

  9. It seems Don Jr. has just as many bats in the belfry as Dear Old Dad. Hhe’s concerned about Marco Rubio as Trump’s running mate. According to Don Jr., once the ticket is elected nefarious forces (he might have named them, I don’t remember) will force Trump into the background and shine the spotlight on Rubio. Uhuh. Well, I guess it’s nice to see filial concern. :P

    Actually, I had forgotten about the news item until this morning, when it surfaced. Up to now, I hadn’t given any thought to Trump’s VP pick, but remembering the article got me thinking. You know who the perfect choice would be? Marjorie Taylor Green. Follow me here. My reasoning is that, once the MAGA ticket is thoroughly trounced, her political career will be over. Remember Sarah Palen? After her half a term as governor, she sank without a trace; and, that was a run of the mill presidential campaign. With Trump and Co. plowed under, presumably everybody concerned will be, shall we say, toast.

    And, can you imagine the VP debate? Harris would chop Green into mincemeat and Green wouldn’t even know what hit her. Thinking about that gives me a great deal of pleasure. I’d love to see Green put in her place. Even more, I’d love to see her have to go crawling back to Georgia 14 in disgrace – ignorant, bullying piece of filth that she is.

    1. Speaking of Supergirl fantasies: I do NOT approve of this dump Biden crap; nor am I a fan of HRC. Nevertheless, I saw a fantasy team that made my little heart go all apatter.


      Just take a moment to visualize that. Talk about a dynamic duo! Those ladies would have the world straightened out in about nothin' flat!

    2. I generally put onion/chive cream cheese on my toast.

    3. Well, HRC is 76, so I don't think she'd help the age-ism issue.
      Harris/Whitmer would be a pretty good "in your face" to the White Nationalists, though...and both are in their 50s.

      I'm still pulling for Joe Biden...and just wrote a letter of serious complaint to my Representative Becca Balint, who came out today opposed to Biden. Sheesh! Thank God for Bernie!!!

  10. I've frontpaged the report story over at The Arty Blog [click]. Come by to discuss.

  11. Listener, how do you get the edit pencil on the frontpage post?

    1. I thought you already had keys to front page posts? No?
      Am I misunderstanding what you're asking?

  12. P.S.: I am confident the members of the "Greatest Generation" never used that term.

  13. "One interesting none" should read "One interesting note"

  14. The Baby Boom is regidly devined. It is the years when the birth rate exceeded replacement. The Silent generation (I prefer Generation in the Gap) is those too young to serve in WWII but born before the boom. I was never a Beat, just as not all Boomers were hippies.

  15. Remember that Ronald Reagan was senile during the latter years of his presidency.

  16. I was speaking for myself.
