Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cows on the Von Trapp Farm



  1. Waving hallo from Whitby, Ontario!
    (Gosh, might they adopt us?)

    Notes on the last thread.

    1. ^^ {listener}

    2. Not sure if we went through Whitby, but we were in that neck of the woods on our 30th anniversary trip. My first known ancestor in North America settled thereabouts. One of the striking things about Ontario was the near total absence of highway patrolmen--- and the consequential poor driving of the locals. Quite the opposite of what my prejudice suggested, the drivers in Quebec were much better behaved. Driving over the border into New York there were relative swarms of highway patrolmen.

  2. {listener}

    A friend sent this today. Does it seem legit?

    Not sure if this works, but certainly worth a try. Did you know you can do something directly against the Heritage Foundation? As a 501c3, the Heritage Foundation is not allowed to participate in politics, let alone publish political manifestos. You can download Project 2025 from the website and attach it to IRS Form 13909 and challenge their tax exempt status.

    Money is the only weapon. Here is your second American Revolution. Right here. It doesn't take that long to file.

    1. Legit? Yes. Likely to be successful? Probably not. The IRS tends to interpret "political activity" in terms of direct campaign involvement.

  3. Cloudy this morning, but I expect it will burn off. Lowest temperature in the 10-day forecast is 99F. The swimming pool chemicals have gotten out of control, so will have to attack the algae today.

  4. Has SCOTUS Contributed To A Future Market Crash? There Are Real Reasons To Worry [Click] Who could possibly have guessed that Republicans might be bad for the economy . . .

  5. ‘Amazing’ new technology set to transform the search for alien life [Click] “A conference in the UK this week will outline new developments in a project to look for technosignatures of other advanced species”

  6. (Susan) "Heads up everyone! Facebook is using a Conservative magazine as the blanket “fact check” on the Project 2025 posts. Their algorithm is taking "Project 2025" as the keyword for nuking posts in opposition. I got 16 notifications of my posts being fact checked by 'The Dispatch' which is an American conservative subscription-based online magazine founded by Jonah Goldberg, Stephen F. Hayes, and Toby Stock. Several of The Dispatch's staff (including Hayes) are alumni of The Weekly Standard, which is now defunct. In short, right wing operatives are deciding what's factual about Project 2025, even though their donors and funders are the same billionaires behind Project 2025.
    Make it make sense."

    1. Howzabout typing 'two oh two five" instead of "two zero two five?"

    2. Sis told me about this. Disgusting, isn't it?

  7. Via political

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), writing in the New York Times:

    “I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected. Why? Despite my disagreements with him on particular issues, he has been the most effective president in the modern history of our country and is the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump — a demagogue and pathological liar.”

    “It’s time to learn a lesson from the progressive and centrist forces in France who, despite profound political differences, came together this week to soundly defeat right-wing extremism.”



  8. Wealthy Christians Line Up Behind Trump

    Wikipedia, “Eye of a needle” [Click] I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel [cable?] to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, 'Who then can be saved?' Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible . . .’

    In modern times, the scripture has been used as a counterargument to the prosperity gospel, the belief that accruing wealth is a virtue favored by God.


    1. Come to think of it, I recall reading that Donald Trump's parents took him to the church of a prominent advocate of the prosperity gospel.

    2. St. Francis might have something to say about that.

      On a not unrelated note: Have you heard Marjorie Taylor Green proclaiming that Jesus Christ is her Savior? The belligerence in her voice as she said it was like a physical blow. Christ may be her Savior, but she sure hasn't been in touch with Him lately. As far as I'm concerned, the same is true of all the quote unquote Christians supporting von Schitzenpantz.

    3. I remember seeing a movie a long time ago about the life of St. Francis; it was very good---I can clearly remember a few scenes.

  9. Replies
    1. I am glad to read the story, but it was hard; it brought back so much from the unionization drive at the medical labs where I worked. The one thing management refrained from was the one thing that seriously worried us: hiring goons to attack us and our families. After all, they knew where we lived. Ultimately we won, but the company was destroyed by management. I will never know whether they destroyed it to get rid of the bargaining unit or through frank managerial incompetence--- either is equally credible. I do know that they blackballed me (and others); blatently illegal, but try proving it. Well, those managers are long gone, we are still here, and I made significantly more money working elsewhere.


    1. The Guardian: Donald Trump rushed off stage at rally after sound of gunshots ring out – live updates [Click] Former US president rushed off stage by secret service agents at rally in Pennsylvania

    2. I thought the verbal report I had said Georgia; evidently that was incorrect.

    3. From Rep. Dan Meuser (R-PA) who was in the front row at the rally near Trump with Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) and Pennsylvania GOP Senate Candidate Dave McCormick at the rally.

      Meuser says he heard 8-10 shots. Says it appears mulitple people in the crowd may have been hit and were…

    4. Video here [Click]

    5. Eight to ten shots, they only nick his ear, and no one around him is reported injured?

    6. From CNN:

      Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger said he was told by his chief detective that the shooter was on a building adjacent to the property and had no additional details on the person.
      “It would have required a rifle,” he said. “It was several hundred yards.”
      A Biden campaign official said the campaign is “is pausing all outbound communications and working to pull down our television ads as quickly as possible.”
      The shooter at the Donald Trump rally was killed by the Secret Service, according to a Secret Service source. 

    7. {listener}
      Geez, I leave the country for two days and all hell breaks loose.

    8. Why is the Biden campaign pulling ads? The son of a bitch wasn't so much as seriously hurt. Pulling ads is just playing into the martyr scenario and helping von Schitzenpantz. This is something we do not need on top of the media-created panic over Biden's nonexistent cognitive difficulties. Yeah, it's the gentlemanly thing to do, but ya can't afford to be a gentleman when dealing with that one.

    9. Biden needs to clearly distance himself from the attack, and pulling ads is a conspicuous way to do that.

    10. What Bill said. And I suspect that Biden might express some compassion for the other victims, while Trump is most unlikely to do so. My two favorite stories of failed Presidential assassination attempts are those of Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt (both of whom had served under fire).

    11. If only he had left it at the first paragraph the universal response would have been positive. But, with apologies to Nancy and Frank Sinatra, then he goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid! It's got to be all about him. Bleck!

  11. Members of Cuba’s revolutionary generation feel abandoned by the society they created [Click] One contributing factor is “the United States’ six-decade embargo”

  12. Via ABC News:
    "The shooter at the Trump rally fired as many as 8 rounds from an AR style rifle while perched on a rooftop adjacent to the venue, law enforcement sources told ABC News. The shooter was 200-300 yards away at the time of the gunfire, the sources said."
    I shouldn't think one could reliably hit much of anything at that range with that sort of weapon.
    P.S.: What goes around comes around.

    1. 'Deed it does.

      Sis observed cynically that she'd like to know what Trump thinks about gun control, or the lack thereof, now.

      And did you catch that remark at the beginning of the second paragraph of the statement: It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country." Hmmm... Incredible that somebody might have a firearm? Uh, well, no. Incredible that said person with a firearm might shoot into a crowded venue? No. Incredible that, under such circumstances, people in the venue would be killed and/or seriously injured? Again, sadly, no.

      Oh, wait, I get it! Incredible that someone would shoot at Trump! Incredible that Trump would be injured, however slightly, by gun violence! Heavens to Murgatroyd, what's the world coming to?
