Friday, May 10, 2024

Loch Nest's gray Teak is restored to brown!



  1. Video: The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell [Click] Re TFG’s day in court on Thursday.

  2. Rikers Island Facilities Overview [Click] In case you wondered.

  3. New doctors [increasingly] avoid residencies in states with abortion bans [Click] OB-GYN and emergency medicine in particular. Why am I not surprised . . .

  4. ‘Queen of the Con’ found in Maine ordered to be extradited to Northern Ireland [Click] “It’s been said the pen is mightier than the sword, but let me tell you, the podcast is mightier still”

  5. For those who have house pets that have accidents from time to time, this [Click] is by far the best carpet spot remover I have found. Our local supermarket carried it at one time, but discontinued it. Amazon sells it in various packages.

  6. Trump endorses cryptocurrencies [Click] It is evidently becoming a partisan issue, but I don’t see how it can’t be conducive to fraud. Perhaps that is related to TFG’s support.
    Full disclosure: I still strongly disagree with Clinton’s support for disabling the Glass-Steagall Act.

    1. Well, yeah! To my mind, the more and firmer regulations on anything related to money, the better. You have to protect John Q. Public. The billionaires can look after themselves.

  7. Rep. Jamie Raskin Schools Republican On "Pledge of Allegiance" [Click] I clearly remember when the words “Under God” were interpolated into the Pledge. Our Social Studies teacher told us that they would be incorporated starting that year. When I grew up enough to understand better, I omitted those words from my recitation--which of course goes unnoticed in a group.

    1. My understanding is that it was the doing of the Knights of Columbus. Even though I am a Catholic, I don't think "under God" should be in the Pledge of Allegiance. We have separation of church and state. When pledging allegiance to our country, that's what you're pledging allegiance to, nothing more and nothing less. In fact, it has long troubled me that the first thing we pledge allegiance to is the flag. That's not right. That's idolatrous. It's fine to love the flag - naturally, proper flag etiquette and respect are very important. But it's the country itself we are loyal to, not a piece of cloth.

    2. It is my understanding also that the Knights of Columbus were very important in that regard; although Italians did not suffer from nationalist prejudice in the US as much as some others did during WWII, they were suspect-- and they were not universally considered "White," either. Their religion factored into it among some people; I can understand their effort to defend themselves, but the harm they did thereby to others was real and remains so.

    3. First I've heard about the Knights of Columbus. I always thought it was just Eisenhower's idea.

  8. Walking out the backdoor this afternoon, I was enveloped in the scent of lily of the valley. It was wonderful! They are very numerous this year, which explains the strength of the scent. It really refreshes the spirit.

  9. Aurora happening tonight!! The KP level is currently 9!!! Highest I’ve ever seen! 95% chance of seeing it here tonight. We are at the boat, waiting for darkness.
    Mind you…folks in FL and TX could even see it tonight! Best viewing in a dark location after 11pm and maybe around 1:00am.

    1. Egad! I wonder if it will be visible hereabouts! Must investigate.

    2. NOAA thinks we are too far south to see it. When I was very young (around 1947-1951), my folks saw it at a latitude significantly farther south than the current forecast.
